DM 3200 FW/DM MKII Logic Pro 7.2.3


New Member
Mar 12, 2013
Gear owned
Hi guys, I do need some help: I bought a used DM-3200 with firewire card and I'm running it via Logic Pro 7.2.3 - I've read the forum regarding set-up of the firewire card, the driver is the latest one but now I have a big problem:

the Fi/Wi-Card seems to communicate pretty fine with Logic, but after recording (i.e. track 1), I cannot hear the recorded signal. At the first, I went in to preferences,..., ... ,... and selected the proper firewire card -> it didn't work. Afterwards, I tried to select another output source (standard Apple Headphones) but I also couldn't hear anything.

Has anyone experienced a similar problem before?

Thanks in advance for any helpful comments!
Two things are possible - either individually or in combination:

1. Routing error. You've an incorrect assignment from Logic back to your DM, or - you didn't make ANY assignment at all.

2. You made a correct assignment, but forgot to push the STEREO button atop the left side of the console - near the BUSS buttons. Unless you do this, you won't be able to hear the recorded tracks - either through your monitor or with headsets.

I'm not familiar with Logic, so I can't tell you how to set the outputs FROM Logic back to the DM. However, the way it works is, your Firewire interface is 'bi-directional.' That means stuff goes both ways - FROM your console to the Mac, and back from the Mac to the console. The output can be set up any number of ways; the DM is an extremely flexible 'patch bay.'

But for grins, choose a couple of DM Fader Modules (those are the things with sliding levers and the 'terminal point' where DYNamics, EQ, and AUXes can be set and routed. Let's say you want to hear your Logic tracks on Modules #1 & #2.
Hit: ROUTING, and the first tab at the bottom of that menu: INPUT. Hit the SELect key on Fader Module #1. You'll notice the cursor immediately jumps to that choice on the screen. ASSuming you've set your Logic track's OUTPUT to OUTPUT #1 (which sends that signal thru the Firewire on Slot#1), you'll want that same choice reflected on that INPUT. So, if it doesn't already show SLOT#1 - turn that wheel on the center of the console until it shows up. Hit ENTER.

Play your Logic track; be sure you've hit that STEREO button atop the BUS panel. You should hear the track on the Control Room bus.

Hope this helps.

Hi Dan,

thanks for the quick reply. I've checked the connection and routing on the DM console, everything seems pretty fine and OK (according to the manual).
Logic seems to be definitely the problem. I need to check up with Logic forums what to do.
Again, thanks for your quick reply and help!


in case if someone gets this problem: every setting was fine in that point of time, so I had no freakin' clue what it could be.
Accidentally I made a reset of the sample rate (on DM3200 and in Logic Pro) and afterwards I got a nice signal!!!!
It's definitely important to have both your DAW and the DM working at the same sample rate!
Question to OP...Did you assign a return pair of channels back to the DM from Logic's master buss? and if so, are you getting any meter readings on the DM representing that signal? If you are, follow Dan's advice about assigning that to the DM's stereo buss. If not, then Logic's outputs are not assigned correctly.

actually I didn't assigned it to any bus (or am I wrong...?). At least I can't really remember. Actually I just read the manual (routing chapter) again and again and routed the channels properly. But the blockbuster was when I really accidentally
turned on the word clock on the TASCAM console from 44.1 to 48kHz and back again to 44.1 - it scared the s**t out of me, when I finally heard my voice through the mic :))

TascMan said:
It's definitely important to have both your DAW and the DM working at the same sample rate!
Question to OP...Did you assign a return pair of channels back to the DM from Logic's master buss? and if so, are you getting any meter readings on the DM representing that signal? If you are, follow Dan's advice about assigning that to the DM's stereo buss. If not, then Logic's outputs are not assigned correctly.

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