DM 3200 & Pro Tools 10


New Member
Aug 27, 2013
Gear owned
I'm using the dm 3200 with the if fw mk II firewire card going to pro tools 10 in a pc running widows 7. My problem is: I am able to route audio from the console to pro tools and record just fine. When I try to playback anything from pro tools I cannot get it to come through the dm 3200. I'm guessing this is an issue of routing in the dm 3200 or pro tools. Does anyone have any advice? Thank you for any help you can provide.
There are a few things you need to do to monitor PT tracks on the DM.

1. You need to set up ProTools OUTPUTS; these should be available in PT's ASIO/Device menus. These are numbered the same way as inputs - from 1 through 32 - corresponding to the channels in your Firewire interface - in Slot 1.

2. Next: each of PT's tracks have to be assigned to those desired outputs. Say you've got a stereo drum track on PT tracks 1 &2 and want those to play on DM's Fader Modules 1 & 2. First - in the EDIT MENU, click (and HOLD) on the PT tracks' 1/2 OUTPUT ASSIGN box. You should then see the entire array of OUTPUT choices. Click on the Stereo choice of Ouputs 1/2 (they also appear as individual mono choices.). It's that easy; you've just routed your stereo drums to the DM's Firewire Inputs #1/2.

3. Now - you've got to tell the DM to receive those signals from PT. Hit: Routing, tab 1 (INPUT). By default you should see Slot 1-1 on Module 1; Slot 1- 2 on Module 2, etc. If you don't, cursor over to SLOT1, hit enter, then go back to the Left side of the screen and using the shuttle wheel, spin it until Slot1- 1 shows up on the first choice. Hit ENTER to confirm. Repeat for the next module, using Slot 1-2. (The remainder of the channels can be assigned using the Batch Method to save time.)

4. Now - on the DM: hit the REMOTE LAYER button. Ensure each of the faders on the PT/Remote layer is UNITY GAIN: (00).

5. Hit: MODULE on the DM. Select Channels 1/2. Make those STEREO. Next: hit the Stereo Bus button in the Bus panel atop the DM. This assigns Channels 1/2 to the Stereo Bus where you can MONITOR the signal. (If you forget this - you will NOT hear ANYTHING on the DM!!!)

6. Repeat above for every PT track - choosing whichever DM faders are appropriate to your workflow and desires. You can assign virtually anything - to anywhere.

Hope this helps.

Thank you, CaptDan, for the detailed routing information, very helpful and I really appreciate it.
We really need to make a bunch of stickies for all of these step by steps..
......And the envelope please..................!

The winner is...................................TASCMAN!!!! :eek:

(Ain't it fun being volunteered for stuff? :D )

Seriously - you're right. Maybe a series of categories: Ptools, Cubase, Sonar, Reaper, etc. Those of us familiar with each dumps their previous posts into those categories and newer folks just go there.

Suggestions & help from Moderators welcomed.

I'd be happy to do it, but I think the moderators have to set it up. I know they (stickies) were helpful for me on the old board.
I’m stuck. Here’s what’s going on: I am using Pro Tools 10 and I’m having some issues.
I would like to use Pro Tools as a digital recorder, nothing else. I would like to be able to control all my output levels from the DM using the faders of the DM and be able to control the mix levels of Pro Tools with the DM. Here’s some of the problems I am having:
I’m using Channel 1, in the DM, as the vocal mic output to Pro Tools. I am getting levels from the DM to Pro Tools but for some reason the fader on the DM has no control over the mic output from the DM. The trim control on the DM is what seems to be controlling the output level of the DM to Pro Tools. The output levels from the DM to Pro Tools are very low. When I turn up the trim control to increase the levels it just sounds distorted. I know the DM is capable of level control using the faders. The trim control is just that it should not be the master fader for each channel. I hope this makes some sense because I am thoroughly confused. I’ve been told that on the DM in the REMOTE LAYER the faders need to be set to UNITY GAIN: (00). When I go to that window and try to adjust it nothing changes. As I assign different channels in Pro Tools the DM shows Aud1, Aud2 and so on for each fader.
Another question is: how do I monitor each track through the CR MONITOR out on the DM? On the MONITOR screen when I look at the CONTROL ROOM SELECT screen it says SLOT1 1-2 for SEL 1, SLOT 1 3-4 for SEL 2 and so on. I’ve heard I have to route everything to the Stereo Buss on the DM. I can’t figure out how to do this. On the back of the DM should I have my monitors plugged into the CR OUTPUTS ¼ jacks or should they be plugged in to the STEREO OUT XLR jacks.
I realize this is a lot of information and I have thoroughly read the DM and Pro Tools manuals and I have scoured the TASCAM Forums but I can’t seem to find the answer. Doesn’t mean it’s not out there I’m just not savvy enough to find it.
If anyone can help you would have my undying appreciation and maybe someday I’ll know enough about all this to help others.
Okay. Apparently I got ahead of myself - and you too - with my previous response. Before I go any further, we need to know:

1. Are you using the DM's preamps, outboard preamps, or both?

2. Any other outboard gear - compressors, limiters, etc?

3. Have you completed ANY mixes yet? Or are you still stuck with the basics you mentioned?

4. How do you intend to mix? To an outboard device, or back to ProTools in a stereo track?

5. What other recording platforms have you worked on before?

Simply put, in order to help, we need to know more about your setup, workflow and recording experience. Then the answers to your questions can be framed in the most effective way.

Hi CaptDan,
Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it.

I am only using the DM preamps.

Not using any outboard gear. Just a few mics plugged into the DM and a firewire to the PC for Pro Tools.

Have only made a few recordings but the levels have been very low. Tried different mics with the same results.

I would like to mix back into Pro Tools in stereo tracks. Not using any outboard mastering devices.

I have worked with Cool Edit Pro and I have used the outboard Orban Audicy mixing system.

I worked in radio for about 12 years doing commercial production. Most of the time we just ran analog audio into the Orban Audicy (which had 8 tracks) mixed it from there and then ran it back through the analog board into an RCS automation system.

If you need anymore info, please just me know. Again I really appreciate your help.
Hey Dan, I hope you don't mind if I jump in here. I just happen to be reading this and am in front of my mixer.

Hi kk, issue 1:
kk570 said:
I am getting levels from the DM to Pro Tools but for some reason the fader on the DM has no control over the mic output from the DM. The trim control on the DM is what seems to be controlling the output level of the DM to Pro Tools.

This is correct because you probably have "input bypass" setup on your OUTPUT SLOT tab. Go to ALT/ROUTING/OUTPUT SLOT Tab. On the right side, you most likely have M/L selected under "input bypass". Doing so sends the original mic signal directly from the preamp (which is still effected by the trim knob) out to the FW outputs and into your PT10 tracks. The channel fader, or any DM effects, will have NO effect on the original signal. This is desirable for many, because you would typically not want the original signal to be changed in any way until you are ready to try different things to it within your DAW (PT10) AFTER it has been recorded. For instance, let's say your vocalist gave you a great vocal recording, but you were messing with the fader while it was happening, trying to get the best mix on the fly. Well, now those fader movements are recorded that way forever, and you will now be battling those original fader movements while you try to set the rest of the mix later on. A different solution is to make those fader movements within PT AFTER the signal has been recorded. Just set your trim knob to get a good workable signal level (I usually work around -4 (tops) to -8 on the peak meters on the meter bridge) before hitting record. You can make it louder later, which is better then distorting it now. This is the basis of the practice of "non-destructive editing", since the fader movements can be changed at anytime, but the original recorded wave file will not be changed.

However, IF you want to record those fader movements, you will have to send that original incoming mic signal through one of the 16 busses, and then out from the busses, through the FW, into ProTools tracks. The advantage here is being able to use not only the fader, but also the onboard EQ, Dynamics, and the TC electronics effects within the board itself, before the signal goes out to PT. Just remember, you are now committed to that sound. You can't take it out once it's printed in your DAW. (The old "eggs in the cake" reference)

Setting this up is VERY similar to what you already have setup for input bypass, BUT, instead of selecting INPUT BYPASS and M/L for your source select, you will use "Buss/Direct". Now go over to SLOT1 Trk 1-8 on the left and try setting up "Buss 1/DIR 1" for the first line. You will ALSO need to make sure that each mic input you want to use is now being sent to it's respective buss output. Easy way to do this is to SEL the mic channel, then go to the OUTPUT ASSIGN area (gray area with 16 buttons on the left of the display) and push button 1 for buss1, etc. And, last but not least, go to your buss layer and move all the buss faders you want to use, to unity- 0db. Now you are controlling the fader volume level for each mic you have assigned to a buss, and it will now be printed that way.

Issue 2:
kk570 said:
I’ve been told that on the DM in the REMOTE LAYER the faders need to be set to UNITY GAIN: (00). When I go to that window and try to adjust it nothing changes. As I assign different channels in Pro Tools the DM shows Aud1, Aud2 and so on for each fader.

I don't believe you mean the "REMOTE LAYER". The faders in the remote layer, when setup properly, are nothing more than tangible faders from your DAW. If your daw faders are at different levels, then your DM remote layer faders should be at those same levels for each track. Moving a remote fader will move the corresponding layer in PT. This action is what makes them a REMOTE fader.
If you are in your remote layer on the DM, and you can't remotely control the faders in your PT session, then it sounds like you don't have your "External Controller" stuff setup in PT correctly. You need to do this to make PT and your DM talk to each other. Just going to the remote layer won't work without setting this up correctly. As to the actual setup of the external controllers in Pro Tools, I defer to CaptDan, one of the many PT/DM gurus on the forum.

Issue 3:

kk570 said:
How do I monitor each track through the CR MONITOR out on the DM? On the MONITOR screen when I look at the CONTROL ROOM SELECT screen it says SLOT1 1-2 for SEL 1, SLOT 1 3-4 for SEL 2 and so on. I’ve heard I have to route everything to the Stereo Buss on the DM. I can’t figure out how to do this. On the back of the DM should I have my monitors plugged into the CR OUTPUTS ¼ jacks or should they be plugged in to the STEREO OUT XLR jacks.

First of all, to do what you are asking to do, you will need to have your Monitors plugged into the 1/4" CR outputs on the back of the DM. They are balanced out, so use good TRS cables, although TS cables will work, but may pickup noise.
Go to ALT/MONITOR, and make sure, under STUDIO SETUP, you have "STEREO" selected under output and the radio button next to that field is selected.
Follow Dan's steps to return your PT stereo buss to a couple of channels on the DM, making sure they are paired (push SEL for both channels at the same time and then hit enter) and set those channel faders to unity, 0db. Also, make sure that the paired tracks are being sent to the STEREO buss on the DM by selecting the STEREO button next to the gray area to the left of the screen. Now, keep your CR volume knob all the way down, but turn up your STEREO fader all the way up to 0. You should see movement on the output LEDs above the jog wheel. Now slowly turn up your CR knob to the desired volume.

I think that answers your questions. Let us know how it goes...
Hey TascMan,

Thank you VERY much for the very detailed response. I really appreciate it. You and CaptDan have been so helpful, I'm glad this forum is available. I am going to take the info you have given me and see what happens. What you're saying makes so much sense, I never realized how many different ways you can set this console up. I'm going to make the changes and I'll let you know how it goes. Again, thank you very much, I appreciate all the help.
Hello people.

I introduce myself quickly. I'm Jeff (26), I'm supposed to be a sound engineer (that's what the paper from my school says), but after bying the DM3200 I realized that I still have a lot to learn...!!
English is not my mothertongue, so sorry for the following mistakes.

I was reading a lot, including your posts, how to manage the DM3200, but I still can't figure out how to get sound out of it... .
This is what I want to do:

- I wanna use the DM3200 to record the raw signal to Pro Tools 11, then bring it back to the DM (listen off tape + cue mix).
-After recording I would love to use the effects from the DM. So I want to bring my Pro Tools sessions into the mixer and mix them there.
- After mixing, bringing them back with a stereo bus to PT and simply record the stereo file.
- My remote control with PT is working fine (just 16 channels by the way) but I don't really need it. I just would like to know how to manage the 32 channels via remote.

My Gear:
- I use the DM3200 + fw mk II firewire card, connected via USB and firewire cable to my Mac.
- My Mac with PT
- Yamaha HS80 connected to the MONITOR OUTPUTS CR(BAL) outputs on the back of the DM.

After reading this highly informative post (thank you), I figured out that Pro Tools gets the signal from my Mic, BUT I have no signal on the DM Meter, no influance on the Solo or Mute button from each channel on the DM. I would like to have control over the SOLO (PFL) for trimming the input signal that goes to Pro Tools; and the MUTE to mute signals comming into the desk.
Let's say I need 1-16 to record and 17-32 for the off tape signals.
So here my settings on the DM and PT so far:

- PT:
Setup -> Hardware -> fw mk II
Setup -> Playback engine -> fw mk II
(Setup -> Peripherals -> HUI setup for the remote)
in the I/O Setup I deleted everything (Input, Output and Busses) and hit "default". I think that's fine like that??
Example channel 1 in PT: Input 1 / Output 17

- DM:
Channel 1-16: ROUTING -> INPUT -> Source Select M/L
Slot1-1 Slot1-2 ... Slot1-16
Channel 17-32: ROUTING -> INPUT -> Source Select SLOT1
Slot1-17 slot1-18 ... Slot1-32
All Channels are assigned to the STEREO BUS on the OUTPUT ASSIGN Panel on the left of the screen. And STEREO on the right of the Meter LED's is on too.

ROUTING -> OUTPUT... I'm pretty lost in here and don't know what to chose.
ROUTING -> OUTPUT SLOT ... same here.

(I think this is where the Problem is.)

SLOT1 1-2
SLOT1 3-4 If I'm honest I don't know what that means.
SLOT1 5-6


So, that is my current configuration, if you need more information just let me know.
I really hope that one of you guys can help me out. I would really appreciate!!

Thank you so much in advance!


Capt. Dan wrote a good topic about routing: DM Routing Zen. I use my DM pretty much in the same way you want to, though I use Cubase and mix to Wavelab. I reserve IFFW output ch 31-32 for the stereo bus to Wavelab, which also plays back through IFFW input 31-32.

One thing I noticed that I think works confusing for yourself: you use ch1 for input and ch17 for output in PT. No need for that: just use the same channels for input and output. So PT track 1 gets input from IFFW Output Slot1-1 and gives output to Input Slot 1-1 - which is then under fader ch17.
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Thank you for your answer Arjan, helpful tip. Actually I wanna use it as a standart Split mixer, that's the workflow I developped. Or can the DM3200 be used as an Inline mixer? Pretty confusing.

I read that topic, but still no sound on my board... . I'm wondering what Tascman and Capt Dan have to say. :)
Jeffent said:
ROUTING -> OUTPUT... I'm pretty lost in here and don't know what to chose.
ROUTING -> OUTPUT SLOT ... same here.

Routing -> Output is for your sends to the DM's inbuilt ports (e.g. Auxilliaries, S/PDIF, AES/EBU, internal FX etc)

Routing -> Output slot is for your sends via your firewire card into PT. You need to set these in the routing screen similar to your input settings

Generally, I tend to use layer 1 for sends / layer 2 for returns / layer 3 for outboard returns.

It's also worthwhile saving some templates of your setup for quick recall (e.g. one for recording / one for mixing) - and lock them when they are set - then create specific project and library templates from the base template.

Hope this helps.
Very helpful thank you a lot.

I looks like we have the same workflow :)

But I still can't get any sound out of the desk...
ummmm - if you have any direct mapping make sure your buss layer isn't muted..... make sure stereo is selected and the control room level controls are up..... try starting your computer first, then the DM, then your PT....

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