DM Summit - CaptDan & GravityJim

Gravity Jim

Sep 28, 2012
A fine time was had at this year's DM Summit, attended (sparsely) by this forum's CaptDan and GravityJim. Sadly, no whisky was consumed, but a lovely lunch was served at Lita's Cafe by equally lovely server Tamara. Beforehand, these Titans of Tascamdom exchanged tips and quips here at Gravity Music, where they are seen standing in front of Jim's DM3200.

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Definitely great finally meeting The Gravity Guy. He's doing some very interesting soundtrack and jingle work and the sound he gets in his room is fantastic. (Not just because he's another ribbon-mic & 3200 type dude. :) ).

Four thumbs up on Lita's fine server, Jim's place, and an extra two thumbs for the household's two 'kids' - Isabella & Tavis.

Best afternoon spent in a long time. Thanks Jim and Lisa!

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You are too kind, Capt. I was just glad to learn you really are a captain and to finally know the meaning of "glisk." That was a great time, bruh... next time at your place!
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Sounds like a good get together!
I was just glad to learn you really are a captain and to finally know the meaning of "glisk."

So was I. (rimshot). :geek:

That was a great time, bruh... next time at your place!

Yep! Single malt too. :)

Awwwwwwwwwwww man!
Capt, I should have offered you one when we got back to the house! Next time for sure.

Jamsire, your name came up.
Jamsire, your name came up.

Yes - in a good way, Ernie. In case you were wondering. :confused:

Don't sweat the single malt, Jim. 'Twas a bit early for me anyway. :)


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