DM3200 & Finalizer Express & LOGIC X


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2012
Gear owned
DM3200 DM24
Purchased a TC Electronics Finalizer Express recently, I had one years ago with my then ANALOG gear (M20 Adats) I liked the unit then, but I used it via balanced XLR I/O.

now, with a DM3200, I figured to use it again, so cabling goes
SPDIF OUT - DM3200 > into SPDIF IN - Finalizer and
SPDIF OUT - Finalizer > into SPDIF IN - DM3200

On the DM3200 in DIGITAL SCREEN my DIGITAL IN is set to SPDIF L-R, 16 bit ( all correct )
I then select SEL 2 (D-IN 1) to the right of the board
I play my source in LOGIC X, I can hear it all just fine and dandy with source being affected by Finalizer.

My dilemma is routing that DIGITAL signal that I am hearing affected by the Finalizer back into LOGIC X 2 tracked, like a master mix ?????? Im stumped

I use DM's FIREWIRE to MAC, I know to pick a channel, lets say
(13-14), and change it to
DIN 1-L, DIN 1-R but for some reason Im not getting that tweaked signal recorded into LOGIC.

When I press PLAY in LOGIC, I can see it going threw fine, if I tweak a LOW, MID or HIGH on the Finalizer, I can hear it being affected ((long as I have SEL 2, D-IN 1 selected to the right of the board))

What did I miss ??????IMG_20161215_212737.jpg


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I would say yes. If you are making and hearing changes on the Finalizer when monitoring it then it should record the affected signal as well. Are you sure you are routing the correct Digital Output back into Logic? If yes, I wonder if the Stereo Out Word Length settings changes you made are the culprit? Maybe don't do the 16bit conversion as a test and leave defaults (I think they were 24 bit truncate)?

What confuses me is if you are monitoring the digital output of the Finalizer through the DM then it should be recording that signal and it's changes if your firewire routing into Logic is correct. Are you sure your logic tracks are using the correct source? You said that DIN-1 DIN-2 are routed to 12 and 13.. is that the source for the Logic tracks your trying to record?
I'm more curious about confirming the input source of the 2 Logic tracks you're trying to record to. You are monitoring the signal which is obviously correct if you are hearing changes through the DM.
yeah, I must say that is what's really stumping me. In Logic, I select any 2 channels (3-4, 5-6, 7-8) --change them to DIN-L & DIN-R on the DM you know, but nothing.

However, I have an analog input in the back of the DM on 13-14, that comes from my patchbay, I use that for outboard gear (MPC, TRITON, yadda yadda), now when I select 13-14 I get a signal inside LOGIC, but the affected one from the Finalizer. (Just hit me) that's cause I have STEREO OUT of DM, into patchpay, out of patchbay into 13-14 (this method was used to record from the computer ala youtube, movie soundclip or whatever)
Think I figured out my situation

From the routing screen OUTPUT SLOT ----

TERMINAL SELECT --- chose slot 1--- TRACKS 25-32 (for Logic as well 25-26 )
OUTPUT SELECT----changed the 1st 2 to (DIN 1-L, DIN 1-R)
((((if you notice, those are my buss out)) buss 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16

DM3200 screen.jpg

DM3200 --spdif out --- in-spdif of FINALIZER, FINALIZER spdif out---to DM3200 spdif in

press SEL 2 D-IN 1 to hear mix pass through Logic and monitor FINALIZER effect
SEL 2 DIN-1.jpg

In LOGIC choose channels 25-26, record affected sound from FINALIZER back into LOGIC
Solo track you JUST RECORDED, it should have the eq added from the FINALIZER.

Logic routing.jpg

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