DM3200 meter bridge


New Member
Apr 5, 2013
Gear owned
Hi there ...Im a newbie here and I am in the process of buying a dm3200 secondhand and would welcome some help please

I use a mac running Logic and my question is ....
can I use a DM3200 effectively without the meter bridge.... just using the mixer in Logic on the mac for recording and mixdown .....or do I really need to be able to see the signal level on the bridge

Ideally I would buy one with the bridge ...but a friend has one without the bridge at a reasonable price and I dont want to buy it if its going to end up sitting in the corner of my room for a couple of months till i can afford to buy the bridge ( £525 min approx) as an extra... thanks for any help cheers Ralph ( Zofz)
Although I have a meter bridge and find it quite helpful, it's not a necessity for many tasks. I still cross reference levels see on the bridge with the LCD channel displays. But the timecode function is very handy; it would be hard for me to give that up.

That said, the meter bridge's biggest benefit - to me anyway - is during self-production/tracking. I can see the display through the door of my iso room; so keeping an eye on levels is easier. The bridge is also very handy at mixdown

Many people find the MU1000 a luxury; some don't need it at all. I've come to rely on it regularly. It really depends on what you're doing.

By the way, you should repost this message in the DM3200/4800 section of the forum. This area is for user introductions.

+1 to everything CaptDan said.

Also, if you have a lare screen (or multiple screens) connected to you DAW computer, you may find Tascam DM Compainion software's meter function as useful as the real meter brdge.

captdan said:
By the way, you should repost this message in the DM3200/4800 section of the forum. This area is for user introductions.

No need. I moved the topic.
Yes, I agree as well. I use a DM3200 with just its own display and the TMC Companion on one of my screens and for me that's enough. I use a big enough time display from my DAW software, and have no need for a meter bridge. I wouldn't have room to put it anyway..
I've wondered these past years: if my desk hadn't included a meter bridge if I'd have spent the money to add one. I'm not really sure if I would; a new MU1000 isn't cheap by any means.

On the otherhand, there's a certain intangible WOW factor - seeing those bright orange lights dancin' up and down, the red LEDs magically following the layer selections; being able to push an actual button to override the current layer to see the aux channels. It's a gratifying experience. But is it necessary?

Probably not. :shock:

Hello everyone
Im not sure how to respond to you all individually as I seem to have only one option re my post i.e respond

So many thanks to you all for your feedback
Its really helpful thankyou ....

I can now step forward and get on with buying it and when funds are available in the future "buy the bridge" so its all singing and dancing

thanks again
cheers Ralph (Zofz)
captdan said:
On the otherhand, there's a certain intangible WOW factor - seeing those bright orange lights dancin' up and down
Of course ... it's cool and I love it because of that, too. But it's more than a WOW factor. It's also about immediate feedback. You don't have to be active and press a button to get meters on the screen, because they are always there in front of your eyes. You'll see the red 'OVER' light even if you are not prepared to watch it, you'll see there's activity in some channel when you didn't expect it to be there, etc ... reduces mental workload.

captdan said:
being able to push an actual button to override the current layer to see the aux channels.
For this application I've always wondered, if it would be even better to have an extra display (instead of MU) at the top of my console for displaying TMC's meter screen. Would it be too much information? Maybe I should "steal" a display from my network server and connect it to my DAW and test it.

captdan said:
But is it necessary?
Definitely not! But it makes your life easier. And that's why I've had my MU from the day one. My decision had nothing to do with WOW effect. Honestly ... hey ... come on ... i swear ... you have to believe me ... well ... :oops:
I've always wondered, if it would be even better to have an extra display (instead of MU) at the top of my console for displaying TMC's meter screen. Would it be too much information? Maybe I should "steal" a display from my network server and connect it to my DAW and test it.

Yeah - give it a try. Even if you find it's too much information, the WOW factor will be increased exponentially. :p

Jarno said:
For this application I've always wondered, if it would be even better to have an extra display (instead of MU) at the top of my console for displaying TMC's meter screen. Would it be too much information? Maybe I should "steal" a display from my network server and connect it to my DAW and test it.
I have TMC meters always visible in my Cubase setup using two screens (on the picture there's also a Wavelab recording dialog visible). Those two screens are blocking the view of where the meterbridge would be anyway, plus I'm already looking at the displays.

On setting up a separate screen for TMCs meterbridge, you have to be aware of the pixel limitation of that window (in MS Windows at least). So get an old and big 640x480 display and you're in for some WOW!s - maybe some will be the kind you weren't aiming for (WOW, that's an old CRT!) :cool:

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