DM4800 with MOTU 2408 mk1


New Member
Jan 1, 2013
Gear owned
Hi, I’m thinking of getting the tascam if-fw/dm for my DM4800. I am currently using the dm with a MOTU 2408 mk1. Is it possible to use the FW/DM and MOTU 2408 together, or would adding a MOTU 2408 MK 2 be a better option. I’m using a Mac Pro OS X 10.6.
I've been using my DM3200 with a 2408MK3. I have my DM wired to my computer via if-fw/dm and the 2408 via ADAT into the DM. You won't be able to use both FWs at the same time for inputs if you plan on using ASIO drivers. I first had my 2408 going into the DM via TDIF, and it worked fine. I curently am using the ADATs out of the 2408. I can't remember why I changed, but this setup works fine.

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