Thanks for posting. Awesome tale, and eminently credible.
It is the rare story like yours that keeps the question alive, not the kidders like me and the fictional accounts . . . because IMO your post indicates the principal expressed by the euphemism:
"Under that big pile of horses***, there must be a pony . . . "
Just to avoid any misunderstanding, my take on that is that there is often in fact a grain of truth in that which may well be overwhelmingly fiction or myth . . . . hence, the myth persists, sustained not only on wishful thinking and our need for fantasy but by that bit which is based on fact, as well . . . .
Once I too saw an aerial phenomenon that could not be explained, but not nearly as spectacular as the post above.
In the company of two friends, one summer night prior to 1970 at a house once reputed to have been occupied by a band known as Yogi Phlegm (aka Sons of Champlin) not far from the Russian River in Northern California, we stepped out on the deck to gaze at the stars, and the three of us all saw the same thing . . . little distinct pinpoints of light like stars, but clearly moving and making multiple right angle turns and angular maneuvers impossible by any known aircraft or space craft. There were a few of these objects/lights, and this went on for a few minutes . . .