Does anybody know how to setup Logic Pro to act as a MMC/MTC slave to DP-24/32?


New Member
Dec 15, 2020
Gear owned
DP-24, DP-02CF
I have the same exact issue as the one described in this topic and hoped that somebody could help me here:

with the difference that I'm using Tascam DP-24 with MIDI ports. I managed to set Logic to listen to MMC coming from the Tascam but when trying to sync using MTC, Logic's playback positions jumps to [- 8 1 1 1] and can't move anywhere.
Is there any way to do it? Apparently Logic doesn't support slaving to MIDI clock but MTC should work

Syncing a DP-32/MIDI with a DAW was discussed in some detail a while back. Try a search using "MIDI Control" as the search term and "-mjk-" in "Posted By", and check "Search this forum only" and "Search threads only".

The search results will be displayed in the "Site Results" tab.

My recollection is start/stop, faders, pan and a few other things work.
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I've searched through the entire forum and couldn't find anything so I started this thread :)

Yeah, start/stop does work I need to figure out how to seek in Logic while seeking on Tascam. This should work via MTC but I can't figure it out

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