DP 24SD Virtual Tracks..Assigning

Neil Paisnel

New Member
Feb 8, 2022
Gear owned
112 MkII, DP24-SD
Hi All

I have been corresponding with Phil for a few days, and he pointed me here..so only fair I stop petering just him with dumb questions and spread the love :)

I am trying to learn the basics of a DP24Sd to help out a musician friend..he really has no idea about it. After watching Phils Videos I seem to have a good basic grasp. I had not seen the machine until 2-3 days ago, and just watched all of Phils Videos. I am not a musician and no real music tech/mixer experience.

Firmware version 1.09.026

I am trying to learn stuff so I can teach him..

OK, so to my question.

The owner has created a short song with 3 active tracks.
I am trying to learn and use the AutoPunch in function

It works, ..using Repeat and Auto Punch in settings, and I created some vocal with a mic, ON V-tracks With track 34 Selected. Once Stop Button hit, it shows the 4 Virtual tracks I created and I can highlight them Play and load them.

But one thing confuses me..

On page 48 of the manual it states ( from my reading ) that you can Assign a Virtual Track to ANY physical Track.. As pasted below...

But I can only seem to get it to 'attach' to the Track I initially selected (T4)
If I select another real track button, then the Virtual track listing changes from the 4 V-Tracks I created to a blank list of V-tracks

So ..how can these 4 V-tracks I created be saved to 4 different Physical Tracks?

Assigning virtual tracks

Follow these procedures to assign a virtual track to a physical track.

1. Press the SELECT button of a track you want to assign a virtual track to when the Home screen is displayed, and then press the VIRTUAL TRACK button.

The VIRTUAL TRACK screen appears.

You can also press the VIRTUAL TRACK button first, then select a track on the VIRTUAL TRACK screen.


When creating a song, the virtual track #1 is assigned to each physical track.

Recording, playback, and editing is only possible with virtual tracks assigned to physical tracks.

You can also assign an already recorded virtual track to a physical track and record over it.

2. Use the JOG/DATA dial to select the virtual track that you want to assign.

3. Press the F4 (LOAD) button to assign the virtual track to a physical track.

The assignment to the physical track is shown by an icon on the screen.


  • To delete a virtual track, press the F3 (CLEAR) button in step 3 above.

  • A virtual track assigned to a physical track cannot be deleted.

  • You can assign an unused virtual track. The track becomes an empty track.
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The wording is confusing. Each Physical Track can load and playback up to 8 different Virtual Tracks, one at a time. Each PT can only load the VTs that were recorded on that PT. You cannot load a VT on a PT that were recorded on other PTs.
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If all of your virtual tracks are stored on the same physical track, you should be able to assign them elsewhere by pressing the TRACK EDIT button and using the CLONE TRACK feature as outlined on Page 52 of the manual to copy them over to other physical tracks.
Ah a ‘work around’ yes
Will try that later
Keep in mind that you can only clone mono - mono and stereo - stereo.
@Neil Paisnel it will be if you try to place it on a stereo track. Mark is saying to clone from and to the same type of track.
Yep, sure,Sorry was at work when I replied , and on small iPhone SE screen too.

He likely won’t have many tracks, so the 12 mono tracks if copy/cloning is needed will not be an issue.

If it did, then I believe I can free up mono tracks by Bouncing over to a spare stereo channel of stereo track pair .
But we are getting in to pretty unlikely territory now as he is unlikely to use all the mono’s. Single chap with bass, rhythm guitars, piano and vocal
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