DR-05 with Rode Go mkI

Clive Delves

New Member
Feb 12, 2021
Gear owned
DR-05 x 3
Hi there all.. I am hoping someone has found a solution for this interference issue. I have two older DR-05, and one X model. when I connect the trs cable from the rode go output into the dr-05 input I get an interference that comes and goes in loudness and changes according how close it is to the rode go (if I had to say it sounds like a digital pulse like the old dialup modems but very fast. This only happens with one of the OLDER dr-05's the other old one and the X are fine. this is using the same cable and same rode go.
IDEAS..! he says hopefully.. cheers CD
my highly technical solution is , just use the other two units.

is there a line level switch accidentally on the wrong setting?

someone more technically savvy will be along soon.
Here is the fix..
Disassembly >>

this shows the exact problem which I encountered and the fix too...

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