DR-22WL frozen during firmware update.what shall I do


New Member
Dec 19, 2020
Gear owned
Dear all,
Stictly following the updating prodecures, I was updating firmware from system V1.22 to 2.13 (wi-fi v1.02 to v2.00), and the device went frozen right after the process started, at PHASE 1 writing... [01/07]...
After 10 hours with USB power source, there is no further process and no response...
What should be the correct procedures to deal with the situation ? What will be consequences if power it off or take out the battery?
Thank you very much in advance for your kind advice!!!!
P.s. I am updating the firmware, due to an issue that the device totally freezes when the WIFI button is pressed. Hoped updating the firmware might help solve the problem.
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My DR-22WL is still on. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!!!
Seached all available mannuals, and found no single line on this kind of update issues. :(
Further informatoin: I was using battery as power source at the beginning. I pluged in the USB power cord after 7 hours of non progress, fearing the power down might lead to firware update failure and turn my device into a dead body:-(
Update: I've contacted the retailer who in turn called TASCAM. According to the retailer, Tascam Tech guy will look into the mater next Monday. I am asked to keep the USB power source on till a viable solution is found:-(
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Hi Kevinbla,

did you have any news for your problem. I have a DR-44WL with exactly the same problem. Device freezes at Phase 1 Writing [01/07].


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