Easy Newbie Question -- Putting single effects on an input


New Member
Jan 13, 2014
Gear owned
2488 Neo
I wish to put some reverb on a guitar input. The multi-effects library gives a lot of highly processed effects, but no simple reverb for an inputted guitar and vocal. When I press "single" I can dial up a reverb, but I can't seem to get it to engage.

The mic settings assign nicely to inputs, but that's only de-essing and compression.

I've read the manual until my eyes watered.
Re: Easy Newbie Question -- Putting single effects on an inp


Can you actually hear the reverb but it does not record onto your track when you record your vocal or guitar??

If so, use the "dry" recording and "Bounce" the dry track (with the reverb assigned to this track) to another track - this should print the reverb.

I believe if you push the Input button with the Single button the reverb will be recorded when you to your take - however I don't record that way so am not 100% on that.

Re: Easy Newbie Question -- Putting single effects on an inp

I cannot hear the reverb. It's up on the display, but I can't seem to assign it to the channel.
Re: Easy Newbie Question -- Putting single effects on an inp


You need to push both the Track button and the Singe FX button at the same time. They should both light up. If you push the Track button on its own after doing this, both buttons should light up. This means the FX is assigned to that track.

You then need to go to the SEND button - by the fader - eq buttons. Push the Send butto so you see the 3 FX sends, Internal, FX send 1, FX send 2. Use the Internal controls and dial up the FX Send. Make sure that the FX is set to Pre or Post and not OFF.

You should now be able to hear the reverb on your selected track.

Re: Easy Newbie Question -- Putting single effects on an inp

Thanks. I will give this a try.
Does anyone else have problems getting effects to work when recording? I select an effect and try to "route" it to the incoming track, but nothing happens - either on the actual track I am bringing the signal in on, or the track I am sending the input to. For example, coming in on track 1, routing to track 11. None of the effects (single, x4, or multi will record.) Why is this so difficult??????

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