Error:20 defective card


New Member
Sep 26, 2012
Tascam DP-02 CF I am trying to replace the 1 gb CF card that came with my tascam, with a new card. I got a class 1, 2 gb CF card and an 8 gb CF card and so far the tascam will not read them. I tried formatting them to fat on my computer but it does not seem to help. I say "error:20 defective card. where do I get a card it can read? Thanks Frank
Did you ever find a card that worked? I'm getting the error 20 message when I try to use a new card.
I took this number right from Tascam's "tested media" sheet. Part number LCF128CTBNA800. It's the Lexar Professional 800x 128GB UDMA7 card. I've purchased two of them and they've both formatted correctly in under 10 minutes from turning on the unit to ready to use. One thing to note is that the default format on these is four 16GB partitions. Once you initially format it, you'll need to reformat the partitions to 32GB to use the entire card. You'll get three 32GB partitions and a smaller one with the remaining space. A Google search should yield the results you're looking for but I got mine here:

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