I have been eyeing the Golden Age Pre-73 recently. My voice needs lots of help! Seriously, it sounds better with coloration and slight distortion.
I am currently using a SE Electronics Z5600a (a tube mic with a soft and warm replacement tube) run into a hot-rodded DBX 160A, and then into the DP. This setup was recommended by a pro producer after hearing my live voice and recordings. His idea made a huge difference - the Rode and AT mics I was using were just too harsh! The input for the DBX is line level, so I run the mic output through a super-cheap Behringer mixer to get it to line level for the DBX input. That is where I think the Pre-73 will be a big benefit.
Not displeased with the current sound, but I would like more depth and maybe a little less definition of the high end. (Does that make sense? These qualitative words are so vague.) I would like softer and opener!
I would agree with mics before pres, but the mic subject is so, well... subjective. Great stuff has been done with a 57.
From the block diagram for my DP24-SD, it looks like the 1/4" and XLR both are routed through the same preamp. We can turn it down, but any coloration it imparts is gonna be there. Fact is, most preamps are promoted for their coloration and not accuracy.
Did prior DP units have direct inputs?
Matt B