Fader's noise when switching faders bankor when hitting stop


Active Member
Apr 2, 2015
Gear owned

I never thought to ask that but do you have the same faders noise behavior when hitting stop or switching fader's bank? It's like the time they scale correctly, it's during about 1.5 second each time...
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Do you mean the high pitched zoom like when you touch a fader? Cause I don't get that from stopping transport or changing mixer layers..

With changing layers, ofcourse the faders move, but I don't think you mean that sound..
Yep high pitched sound but I don't have it at all when I touch a fader, it's at the end of the faders's move, it's long for 1 second half, it doesn't happen when all the faders move to minus infinity.
See the video I just made:

Yeah, it's same on my desk. I'm so used to it that I didn't even realize it's also heard when changing mixer layers, so disregard my previous statement. Only the channel layers though (?).
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Thanks for confirming!
Could somebody else confirming this?

It happens also everytime when mixing with automation in DAW with mackie control, every automated fader's change has this sound...

I'm wondering if we don't have faulty mixers because I don't remember at all this sound with my DM24 in Hui mode automation or when changing layers...

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