The To position is the current position, so set this before you enter TrackEdit. I had to look it up and try it, so I'm still learning

Just tried moving tracks on the dp32 and it appears to be instantaneous so it must just use pointers instead of physically moving the data, so makes it easier to retry the operation.
Haven't used Ableton, but a couple of options would be to record you saying "1,2,3,4" then insert it into the start of one of the tracks. Shift the others in Ableton to line up (or insert it into
all tracks then they're bound to line up), then transfer the whole 8 tracks to the dp32. Alternatively, if there's a suitable line or intro part in your music (not heard it yet), you could simply copy that slice from one track and insert that at the start of all tracks. Will report back later when I've listened to your track....
Update: the track sounds great to my amateur ears - definitely recommend good speakers

There seemed to be a slight start delay on one of the sounds which has delayed echo, but this might be intentional - you've played tricks with my mind by talking about sync issues! There's tons of tracks on your soundcloud channel; presume they were made before you got the dp32? Either way, excellent work.
Update2: Your comment re. pressing play on Ableton and record on the dp32 suggests I may have misunderstood your 9th track sync issue. I assumed you wanted to play the 8 tracks from the dp32 and record the 9th live onto the dp32 (i.e. Ableton is out of the picture). If so, then the count-in will allow you start recording the 9th in sync. But now realise from your op you've already recorded the 9th in Ableton and want to transfer it to the dp32 in sync with the others, in which case the count-in is irrelevant.
The solution is to transfer all 9 tracks by copying (i.e. not re-recording) the individual wave files to the sd card (presume Ableton can save each track as a wave file) and using the Import function on the dp32. They will all be synced. Can do this for as many tracks as you want.