Frustrated by LCD screen failures


Dec 13, 2012
Long Island, NY
Gear owned
Dm 4800 imac Pro Tools 10
My 3 year old dm4800 now needs its 4th lcd screen as I reach approximately 20-30 horizontal lines. This latest screen is about 1 year old. I'm going to bite the bullet and replace it, but its a real pain because I have to unplug everything to get it out of its custom argosy table. As much as I love the mixer and am happy to be through the learning curve I may sell it. Anyone interested in a 3 year old perfectly working other than lcd screen dm4800 with FW card and meter bridge? Its located in Long Island, NY zip code 11050. Desk is available too, if you want.
If the only reason to sell is the frustration with the LCD (which I share, though I'm at screen #2) - you might wanna consider getting a 2Seemy extension board and an external monitor?
I plan on installing the 2seemy mod into my board this month or next. Since its output is VGA I can feed it to an alternate input of one of the displays already in my setup, eliminating the need for an extra one(which in my case would mean a 4th)- I'll be able to toggle between the DM (VGA) and my Cubase Channel Strip (DVI) at the click of a button!


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If the only reason to sell is the frustration with the LCD (which I share, though I'm at screen #2) - you might wanna consider getting a 2Seemy extension board and an external monitor?

I considered it, but I don't have the room to add an extra monitor on my desk. I suppose the other factor is that there are several users at my studio and while I invested a ton of time to get up the learning curve on the mixer, I can't ask everyone else to go through that so I end up becoming the tech support of last resort. I may just start fresh with a Presonus 32.4.2 ai (which I already own and have sitting in a box unused). So its sell the presonus, fix the dm4800 and continue to replace screens every year, or sell the tascam and start over with the presonus.
I would keep the 4800 any day, but that's just me. I've had horrible luck with Presonus stuff. The last two piece of Presonus gear that I bought went back to the store within a week because they didn't actually work worth crap and they certainly didn't work as advertised.

If you think that others learning how to use an already setup 4800 is a problem they are gonna be in trouble with other consoles too.
I'm really torn about it. I do love the 4800 personally, but the Presonus is great because it removes a lot of the complexity by hardwiring things that are assignable and more flexible in the 4800. We also love the ability to control board and set aux send levels for headphone mixes from the live room via an ios device, makes setting up a session so much easier with one person. In my other studio we use the Presonus and its worked perfectly for a year. I see that my staff get up to speed on it much quicker too. We use the mixers solely as a recording studio tracking tool and an audio interface. Its never used for live work or OTB mixing so much of the incredible flexibility of the 4800 is not used.
Then post some pics of the stuff you're selling :)
So sorry to hear of the screen problems.
That sounds like a major PITA
I think I'm very lucky to have had no LCD problems for 7 years.
I also recommend the 2Seemy. For me it opens up the inner world of the DM.

Presonus is very cool with iPad integration, but in some ways is a major downgrade from the 4800.
Only 32 channels and no touch or motor faders.
Maybe two Presonus linked for 64 channels, but still no touch or motors.
Did I mention that I love the touch sensitive motorized faders on the DM?

That being said, sounds like the Presonus might work better for your situation.

I'm still waiting for the DM 5800.

Tascam could knock it out of the park and I wish they would.
7 years and no screen issues? That is lucky indeed. I'm far from technical but there must be some kind of power supply or design flaw that causes some of us to have so many problems. It was particularly disappointing that Tascam itself only offers a 90 day warrany on replacement parts so when I contacted them to say my latest screen lasted less than 1 year all they could do is refer me to parts because apparentely $200 for a 90 day useful life is good enough.

As far as comparing to the presonus, there are other great things about the 4800 that I will miss if I give it up - the routing flexibility, 96k recording (presonus max is 48k), remote layer, built in talk back mic, automation, etc.

But in the presonus's favor it has 32 M/L inputs all on one layer, a far easier to use fat channel and effects routing, easier to assign some channels to slot output before or after the fat channel, better meters built in, and the remote control is really game changing.

In my case because I use the board solely as a recording studio tracking device and audio interface I don't take advantage of many of the features it has. For instance I don't use the automation, bus routing, scenes, transport controls (which suck in PT becasue I can't get them to work as I'd like). I do wish the presonus had just a few more channels, even an extra 8 without M/L inputs on a 2nd layer would have been perfect.

I'm going to post some pics of the board and desk later today, and I ordered a new screen so will replace it when it comes next week.
Does anyone know about the analog mic pres on the presonus versus the 4800? I've never had a chance to compare them side by side so I don't know if there is a significant quality difference.
Here are pics of my mixer and desk. The DM4800 will have a brand new LCD screen in about a week, and includes the meter bridge and FW card. Its located in Port Washington, NY 11050 and we'd need to arrange some kind of pickup because It think shipping would be prohibitive. I'm open to a reasonalble offer for the mixer and desk.

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I'm in Bayside Queens :) just down the road so to speak. How much are you looking to get for it out of curiosity?
Hey Charlie, 2 DM3200s not enough for ya? ;)
I'm looking to get at least $3500 for the DM4800 mixer with new LCD screen, meter bridge, FW card and Argosy desk all together.

Other than the current LCD screen, all buttons and functions work perfectly as far as I know.
Good price if I had nothing but I'm out! :)
I wouldn't sell. I'd get the 2SeeMy card and you have the option of

1) Hooking an external VGA monitor

2) Viewing the LCD screen on your DAW monitor (through the USB connector on the 2SeeMyCard)


3) Connect both simultaneously.
The LCD issue is a heat dissipation issue (as well as a poor choice for connector styles).

I would also go with the 2seemy solution. My DM-3200 has both a new LCD screen AND a 2seemy installed in it, so if/when the screen dies out I am already covered. Also another thing that can give the screens longer life is if you shut down the console when not using it.
We do shut down the console when not in use, but its in use just about every day. If its a heat issue, would some type of fan or venting help?

The 2seemy is cool, I just don't have room for another montior on my desk and I don't think the software supports Mac.

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