FW 1884 faders and shuttle controls not working with Auditio


New Member
Jan 13, 2013
Gear owned
fw1884 fe8 cc-222slmkII
I had been using my FW1884 with great success with Audition CS3 for several years. I decided to upgrade my computer to get some additional RAM, so I switched to a WIN7 64-bit machine. I have rolled back the FW driver to legacy and made other suggested tweaks to get audio working. Plays back fine and the master fader controls the output level. But I cannot get the faders to affect channel levels, nor can I get the shuttle controls to work. I have tried swithcing from Macke to FW1884 to HUI and back and nothing seems to help. I really miss being able to mix with the faders.

Any ideas?

Does anybody know of a self-diagnostic routine that I can run when the FW 1884 boots up to assure that the board is OK. I recently had the entire motherboard replaced because it had been zapped by static or Firewire voltage.
Re: FW 1884 faders and shuttle controls not working with Aud

I use Audition 3 with my FW-1884, but have stuck with XP, so I can't help at all, I'm afraid. My Vista and W7 machines have no usable firewire ports.

I did get a little way into diagnostics some years ago, and still have the Unibrain software, and a board somewhere, that helped with this.

Later, in 2010, I had to diagnose some usb problems and used the Microsoft diagnostics, xperf, logman and netmon (which can read usb as well as network data), and have often wondered whether there might be any undocumented 'hooks' into firewire within Windows that would enable firewire monitoring with these utils. The utils themselves are very powerful if one has the time to tame them.
Re: FW 1884 faders and shuttle controls not working with Aud

I'll try to help, but I'm not very experienced with the FW-1884 and am having my own issues (see SAT 23 10:01PM post 'Transport keys not working on TASCAM FW-1884). Anyway, below are a couple of old posts that have bailed me out that might apply somehow to your case.

1. To reset the FW-1884, with the 1884's power OFF hold down the following buttons: PAN, FLIP, AUX3, AUX4 and simultaneously power on FW1884.

2. When using Cubase Essential 5, make sure that Remote Devices is set to ‘Mackie Control’. Under Device Setup, click the ‘+’ tab then the Remote Devices tab which should reveal the settings. Select ‘Mackie Control’. This setting got my control surface working again.
Re: FW 1884 faders and shuttle controls not working with Aud

I finally figured out my problem, which might help you. Here is what I did:

1. In Cubase, under Device Setup, click the ‘+’ tab then the Remote Devices tab which should reveal the settings. Select ‘Mackie Control’.

2. After doing the above, click on Mackie Control. On the page is shown ‘Midi Input’ and ‘Midi Output’ selection windows. Click the ‘FW1884 Control’ setting. This gave me back my transport controls. Whew! That took me a few days to figure out!

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