

Active Member
Jan 15, 2014
Silvis, Illinois
Gear owned
I've been a member for a short while. I've been busy trying to get my stuff together to the point I can somewhat inter-act with some knowledge before fully exposing myself. I am the proud owner of the DM-4800 since about August of 2013. I've had (and am still having issues of course) with the set-up and functioning with Pro Tools 10. And then there was the issue of not being able to get the FW card for over a month. Anway, I'm at the point now where I can record and believe me....that only happened a couple of months ago. I was so frustrated and hopeless about my system I had to literally leave it alone a week at at time several times. I was on the brink of selling everything. But, I kept at it. Happy I did. But I do have some issues and questions that I'm going to bothering some of you with. FW driver update so I can upgrade to 10.9 and also to PT11. And...well some other very annoying ignorances about. So estatic I found this forum. BTW, I'm pretty much a funk/jazz/rock type guy. A drummer with just enough keyboard skills to probably have blown too much money on keyboards.

Gotta go. Have to get my questions entered so I can get some help. Have a wonderful time in your studios. I love my time in mine. ds

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