Headphones for US-16x08 Audio Interface


New Member
Jun 10, 2020
Gear owned
Audio Interface US-16x08
Hi, I'm a new member, so thanks in advance for your comments.

I am questioning whether to go for a 32Ohm or 250Ohm headphones, and I'm fairly decided upon BeyerDynamic DT 770 Pro CloseBacked headphones (based on reviews Ive seen, as I can't go to audio centres hear them for myself during lockdown)

I understand that the 250Ohm version offers a better audio response, but the additional power to drive them means a -3dB difference in"efficiency".... Will that be a noticeable difference or is it negligible (ie, I simply turn up the Phones output on the Tascam audio interface knob one notch)? Many thanks :)
As a general statement, if 250 Ohm headphones are under-powered (which has little to do with the volume control setting of the headphone knob), there can be a noticeable decrease in audio performance. Looking at the headphone output spec for your 16x08 Audio Interface, the 250 Ohm DT770 should work fine.

Here's some other things you may want to take into account:
I only use closed-back monitor headphones for tracking. For evaluating mixes and masters, I only use professional grade open-back reference headphones. In my experience, the closed-back DT 770 is somewhat bass-heavy, has a somewhat narrow sound stage, and so IMO is not ideal for reference use; but it's still a good choice as a tracking headphone.

Post #52 in the Production Tips sticky of the 2488, DP-24/32/SD forum discusses using headphones in the recording process.

If your budget is limited to owning only one good professional level headphone, a good compromise between closed v open is the Beyerdynamic DT 880 Pro (you can refer to the comparative specs and target signature of the 770 v 880 further down that page at the beyerdynamic site). You can review Innerfidelity's test measurements of the 880 here. Innerfidelity's review/assessment is here (It compares the 32 Ohm, 250 Ohm, and 600 Ohm versions, so that may provide some insight into the differences in audio quality among the three, and why). Also note that the FR charts for headphones are not the same as FR charts for speakers measured in an anechoic chamber. Headphone design is an entirely different science with entirely different FR target goals, for numerous reasons beyond what can be discussed here.
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So I can use my DT-990 Pros (250 OHM) with the normal 32 OHM output on the US-16x08? And it delivers the 250 OHM ?
Can you describe it, thanks in advance ! :)

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