Hi, I'm a new member, so thanks in advance for your comments.
I am questioning whether to go for a 32Ohm or 250Ohm headphones, and I'm fairly decided upon BeyerDynamic DT 770 Pro CloseBacked headphones (based on reviews Ive seen, as I can't go to audio centres hear them for myself during lockdown)
I understand that the 250Ohm version offers a better audio response, but the additional power to drive them means a -3dB difference in"efficiency".... Will that be a noticeable difference or is it negligible (ie, I simply turn up the Phones output on the Tascam audio interface knob one notch)? Many thanks
I am questioning whether to go for a 32Ohm or 250Ohm headphones, and I'm fairly decided upon BeyerDynamic DT 770 Pro CloseBacked headphones (based on reviews Ive seen, as I can't go to audio centres hear them for myself during lockdown)
I understand that the 250Ohm version offers a better audio response, but the additional power to drive them means a -3dB difference in"efficiency".... Will that be a noticeable difference or is it negligible (ie, I simply turn up the Phones output on the Tascam audio interface knob one notch)? Many thanks