Help Needed: Car Vinyl


New Member
Feb 4, 2024
I've been toying with the idea of giving my ride a fresh new look with some vinyl graphics. I've been scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest, and I am totally blown away by the amazing transformations people have achieved. From subtle accents to full-blown wraps, the possibilities seem endless!
Now, here comes the tricky part. I've been doing some research on local shops or online stores where I can get quality car vinyl. Living in a smaller town, the options are somewhat limited, and I'm not sure I want to trust just anyone with my baby. I want a place that not only has a variety of vinyl options but also offers top-notch quality.
Has anyone here recently dabbled in car vinyl projects? I'd love to hear about your experiences and recommendations. Did you go for a local shop, or did you find an online store that delivered the goods (literally and figuratively)? I've come across this online shop, , and they seem to have a decent selection.
Has anyone here ever used their products? I'm intrigued by the variety they offer, but I'm always a bit skeptical until I hear some real-world feedback.
Also, while we're on the topic, what vinyl designs have you tried or seen that made you do a double-take? I'm trying to get some inspiration, and I'd love to see what you all have come up with.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and recommendations. Let's turn this thread into a virtual garage where we can share our passion and help each other out!
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Hello @zummer. The only vinyl I am qualified to discuss is the kind with grooves pressed into it. Sorry. This is a forum about audio equipment and home recording.

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