Help on routing Tascam DM3200 with Cubase 7.5 / 8.0

Mark Little

New Member
Dec 16, 2015
Gear owned
Tascam DM3200
I just upgraded from a Tascam FW-1884 to the Tascam DM3200...I am really having a problem getting sound into the software...had it working once but lost the chain....but have NEVER got any sound coming out of cubase back into the dm 3200...have the midi control working....the transport and faders move as previously recorded but cannot for the life of me get the tracks coming back into the dm3200...any help would be running cubase 5, 7.5 and 8.... neither version works on returning the sound back in the running window 7 , 64 bit PC...thanks in advance Mark
The routing in the DM is extremely flexible if not complex. Before taking a fair bit of time trying to walk through everything, have you spent some time reading through the manual? It takes some time to get up to speed, but it's well worth it.
Yes I Have read the manuals, watched problem mainly is how to get sound my VST out tab there is only one choice and that is stereo out L and do I assign each recorded track to an output so that I can hear the tracks...thanks
In Cubase VST Connections Output tab, you can select the button 'Add Bus'. Here you can assign 32 mono buses or 16 stereo buses or whatever combination you want, then assign which audio device they should use (this should read 'ASIO IF-FW/DM mkII') and assign the device port (Out 1 - Out 32).
I think I got it all figured sound coming out by pushing the select 1 button on the control room output monitoring section...and changing the assignments on the monitor screen....was trying to get it to come out with the stereo button on...????

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