Holding settings when switching Library defaults.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2013
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Gear owned
A question about something that drives me a bit crazy.
I start off all sessions in the default Library mode 24 x 24 tracking.
I fill up all 24 tracks as recording goes along. I EQ, I compress, I mix......everything is great, but I need more tracks. I want to switch to the Library default 32 Track Mixing mode.
All my work is lost.....I have to start over......How can that be.....???
Is there a way to switch to 32 track mode and keep my first 24 tracks intact......??
Or do I have to go into the Routing Pages and manually add those last 8 tracks.......??

thanx in advance for any advice or tips........:)
Or do I have to go into the Routing Pages and manually add those last 8 tracks.......??
As far as I know, yes. Loading a project resets console to the settings of that project. That's how it's designed.

But there's one way to make your task quicker. As you can see there's 2 inputs for every channel in routing screen: INP and RTN. Route FireWire inputs (SLOT1) for CH 24-32 into these RTN slots and save this project as your new template. Now every time you need to switch from M/L input to FireWire, just press INVERT SRC in MODULE/SETUP screen of the appropriate channel.
Hi again Jarno....
So I would stay in the 24 x 24 tracking project.....mixing on layer 2.....but then for tracks 25-32 I would switch to layer 1 and INVERT SRC to FW on those channels....as I recorded them....??
Instead of 25 - 32 being M/L....they would be switched to FW.......??
Sounds good.....I will give that a try.

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