Humor: Name a Song


Staff member
Oct 14, 2018
Hukou Township, Hsinchu County, Taiwan
Gear owned
DP-32, | 2A Mixer, A3440
Name a song you would get if you plugged the speaker output of a guitar amp into your USB interface:

Smoke On The Water
Smokin' (Boston)
Communication Breakdown

(you get the idea - now, go for it!)
Smoke from a Distant Fire (maybe not so distant)

I did this with my original Tascam 4 track in 1988/89. It didn't end well. I still get sad thinking about it.


Hahaha! Excellent!

Edit: FP, I'm sorry that I didn't express the proper condolences for your loss. But your answer was so funny that I glossed over the fact that you blew up your 4 track doing just what the thread title proposed!

So, I think I'm going to write a tune called Live and Learn!
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a song you would get if you plugged the speaker output of a guitar amp into your USB interface
Light My Fire
What a Day for a Daydream
Great Balls of Fire
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
a song you would get if you plugged the speaker output of a guitar amp into your USB interface
'Firestarter - The Prodigy' comes to mind, or
'Where is My Mind - The Pixies' - or even "Monkey Gone to Heaven" :D
And then, lesson learned with
"Everything in Its Right Place - Radiohead"
Guys, I'm dying over here.... :LOL::LOL::LOL:

We should have done this a long time ago!
Two more that came to mind in the middle of the night (yeah, not much important stuff to think about last night.)

'Electric Storm - U2'
'Electric Funeral - Black Sabbath'
(I know, the last one shows my age even worse than Phil did [sorry Phil - I know it's a back-handed compliment - it's all I had])
"She'll be calling Wildfire...."
Can't Touch This
High Voltage
Ring of Fire
How about Light My Fire - The Doors, Johnny Cash Ring of Fire, Fire The Crazy World of Arthur Brown or We Didn't Start the Fire and my Fav Great Balls of Fire
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