I'm trying to connect the Model 24 to an iPad air (2019 model) in order to use the Tascam as the front end input and the iPad as the record device. I thought this would work based on something I saw on Youtube but now I can't find the reference.
Has anyone gotten that to work? I'm connecting the iPad's charging cable to an adapter that takes the USB-A plug to a USB-B plug, which is what the Tascam has. But I see no evidence on the iPad that anything is connected. I even tried putting the Tascam in USB/Storage mode but nothing.
Has anyone gotten that to work? I'm connecting the iPad's charging cable to an adapter that takes the USB-A plug to a USB-B plug, which is what the Tascam has. But I see no evidence on the iPad that anything is connected. I even tried putting the Tascam in USB/Storage mode but nothing.