IPhone app-FIlmic Pro and the DR-40: Compatible?

Uncommon Geek

New Member
Dec 11, 2014
Internet, USA
Gear owned
Tascam DR-40, Tascam iM2

I am new to the forums, so, hi!

I run a site, we do blog and podcasting and will very soon officially launch our YouTube channel for non-mainstream geek news. I'm not advertising, just painting the picture for my needs.

I have been searching the internet high and low for information regarding the possible joining and compatibility of using an iPhone 5s with the app Filmic Pro with the DR-40 as the main mic source. For the time being, my iPhone will be our main camera.

Needless to say, Google continues to fail me...

I know Filmic Pro can be picky at times for its mic sources, but I need something a little better than the Tascam iM2 I am currently using.

Does anyone on here know if their is a way to marry all of this together to work until I can get a good quality video camera? And information will help!

Thank you!

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