Is there a future for DM 3200 / 4800 ?


Jan 19, 2014
Gear owned
Tascam DM 3200 + IF-FW_DMMK II

I'm new to the board, and this is my first post.

I am using a tascam DM 3200 for about a year now, and for the main part, I can state that I am pretty happy with it.
I use it as recording interface, but also to control my DAWs (Samplitude Pro X and Reason 7).

Though both DAWs don't support the DM natively, you can get full access of controlling the virtual faders, pan potis and within Samplitude even control the EQ-knobs, when using the DM as controller.

But I encountered something you might describe as a "loss of connectivity" - each time I start one of the DAWs and start a project everything is well for some time. But after having stopped (or started) playback with the DM control bar, further pushing of the buttons on the Dm 3200 shows no action. So I have to go wild on the buttons for a few seconds (maybe push stop fifty times) until the Dm gains control of the DAWs again. As long as I do not shut down my host sequenzer everything will be fine - no further losses!

I already contacted the german support of Tascam, as well as the supports of Samplitude and Reason. Everything points to the Dm3200 as being the source of the problem. So for e.g. the firmware and drivers of the Dm3200 seem to be quiet aged now (for the last three years no updates? Really?).

So this leads my to my actual question:
does anybody know about future concepts for the DM 3200 / 4800? Or are they sort of legacy products which will not be continued? On the manufacturer site I couldn't figure out whether there have been any announcements on this subject.
I remember that the german support told me once about a planned full implementation of the DMs within Samplitude. But I never heard about any progress concerning that. And I am a bit worried that Tascam may rather release a follow up to the Dms than showing up with new firmware or drivers.

Any rumours welcome :) - thank you

kind regards
There are beta drivers for the FireWire card in circulation now, so there are updates coming. Yes, Tascam can be slow, but my sources tell me that the DM is not yet at EOL and that it will be supported in the future.

As for your loss of connectivity... That's not a problem with the DM firmware. Thousands of us are using the DM in the you describe and aren't losing connectivity.

Next time this happened, try NOT mashing the buttons... Just wait 15 seconds and see if it works. If it does, that would indicate some kind of internal process in your computer that is taking precedence over the command from the console. That might point to some kind of software incompatibility, maybe with some other thing you're running.

Is your DM connected by USB? What type of USB ports are in your computer?
"Thousands of us are using the DM in the you describe and aren't losing connectivity. "

Guilty as charged, yer Honor. :)

That's not to say I haven't lost MMC/Remote coms with the DAW, though. It's happened occasionally, and for the following reasons:

1: USB not loaded or 'hijacked.' - That can happen if I switch out of ProTools to an audio editor, then reload Ptools. In most cases, USB functions are suspended, and remote layer/transport control is lost. This is a result of my using an 8 year old version of Adobe Audition which was written with Win Xp in mind. Solution: reboot PC, reload Ptools. Or: save Adobe Audtion for a separate session.

2. Cold boot 'brain' malfunction - Sometimes, and for whatever reason, a USB driver doesn't go where the operating system intends for it go. In that case, all DM remote functions are non-op as soon as Ptools is loaded. Solution: Load DM's TMCompanion first and always. Doing this alleviates the problem 98% of the time.

3. Mid-session system dysfunction: This one's tricky and thankfully rare. Although I've been vigilant about removing every single background operation, disabled all adapters, and told Mikro$oft not to sneak off and 'poll for updates,' s**t still happens. And when it does, a reboot is in order. Problem solved. (This is where PT's auto-save really does. :) )

BTW: Welcome 'Snafu,' Since you asked about the DM's future (a popular question from the mixers' 2005 inception), I'll give you my opinion: I don't care. There are other options out there, some attractive ITB rigs with mighty colorful channels and scribble scripts. I wish their new owners much happiness and success, but I will not be joining them. The DM/DAW system I have today will serve me for the next decade. And that's a lot of years to be musically productive. :)

Dear sirs, thanks for your posts :)

At first: I'm glad to hear there are beta-drivers out there somewhere - if youre sources are somehow provided with some insight into Tascam, Gravity jim, then I guess my main question is answered. BTW: I'm using USB (connected to mainboards USB 2.0 jack) and Firewire.

"Thousands of us are using the DM in the you describe and aren't losing connectivity. "

Yes, this maybe true, but as the tascam support has confirmed there are other users as well that seem to have the same problem. Tascam's best guess is that there is some incompability with firewire chipsets (VIA in my case - but I got a new card with TI-chipset and encouter the same problems). But for the time being I can live with that - next time it happens I will wait, and see, if that changes anything. Thanks for the tipps.

@captdan: "I dont care"
I like your attitude towards that issue :) Maybe I should try to adopt it as my own - I totally agree thats a lot of years to be musically productive :D

I never lose connectivity - I use the physical midi ports for fader movements utilizing the all too sexy User Defined Layer, plus the various midi fader controller options. I never use the remote layer for controlling the onscreen faders. I use Cubase 6 and Ableton 8.xx.

PT11 - oh well, just keep the faders up in the program and automate from the DM. I use MTC to start stop, FWD, REW.

Life is good!
jamsire said:
I never lose connectivity..... I use MTC to start stop, FWD, REW.

Life is good!

I'll say. And probably so was your previous one when you did golden deeds earning you such good karma today. :cool:

The occasional (thankfully few) times my USB 'genie' goes south, so does all connectivity between DM, TransPort, and DAW. No FWD, REW, Stop, etc. I open up Ptools 'Device/Peripheral' menu and what do I see in those boxes? NUTHIN'! :twisted:

It's like this: my 2009 vintage WinTel7PC just gives up the USB ghost sometimes. It started out life as a gamester; its creator likely intended for the beast to run 'Space Murder" and "Grand Mayhem Auto." But, at least the machine's not so clumsy with the Firewire (thank you, ya little $8 dollar VIA card. :) )

And no, I won't be changing out PCs anytime soon. Adding HDs? Yes. Ram? Maybe. I've got 12gigs already. MomaBoard? Who knows. Changing out an entire computer platform is an exercise in pain; downloads, iLox, re authorizations, and the potential: "Hey! I don't recognize you! Who cares if you paid for 'em before, we all outta apps for you today! Go away!" :D

Gotta be a damn good reason to subject myself to that square dance. ;)

I digress. Sorry. :rolleyes:

In my specific case on a Mac Pro...
To restore communications, I just pull the DM's USB plug and replug it.
It has worked for me, every time.

At this point, Mavericks seems to have made this a moot point.
All of the functions, both firewire and USB have been rock solid.
Just to clarify... certain FireWire chipsets are problematic with the DM's FW interface, but that would only effect the audio stream and would have no effect on the control layer talking to your DAW. That connection is made via USB, so the problem would be the USB ports, as Capt pointed out.

Also, I should have said the same thing as the Capt. Some members of this forum will remember that I bought my DM3200, after a long agonizing process, in the middle of a firestorm of rumors that it was being discontinued that very year. I finally decided that the DM's functionality was exactly what I was looking for, the price was impossible to beat, and even if it was discontinued I didn't care. Well, it wasn't, which is nice. And I am told by a Tasacam rep via my friends at Full Compass that it still isn't, a claim that the soon-to-be-released Mavericks driver for the FW card should demonstrate.
Well- I like this new website look! Nice work guys. Nice, big Times Roman font; good readability. It evokes memories of TascamForum long gone, only a tad more colorful.

Thanks to whomever took the time to make the improvements!

(Now - where do I send the check? :p)

Sorry for the hijack. I was going to respond to Jim's post, but I got carried away and forgot what I was going to say. :) Oh - yes! Indeed, I remember (Jim's) nail biting over a DM purchase. He really put the screws to us. It was obvious he was nobody's fool, didn't fall for 'WebHype,' nor was put -off by 'Web-Diss(tm).' He just wanted to know if the jump to DM waters wasn't going to land him in the drink - or drive him to imbibe in it (beyond a healthy admiration for Single Malts). Apparently it didn't. And we're happy about that. :)

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Indeed, I remember (Jim's) nail biting over a DM purchase. He really put the screws to us. It was obvious he was nobody's fool, didn't fall for 'WebHype,' nor was put -off by 'Web-Diss(tm).' He just wanted to know if the jump to DM waters wasn't going to land him in the drink - or drive him to imbibe in it (beyond a healthy admiration for Single Malts). Apparently it didn't. And we're happy about that. :)


"Put the screws to us" = "blithered anxiously like an old lady." :rolleyes:

But indeed, it has turned out to be one of the best decisions in the 18 years I've been doing business as Gravity Music. Much more powerful and far easier to access that power than my 02R, crystal sound, a rock solid interface, easily maintained, great looking, and all at a price I still can't quite believe. My first console as a hobbyist was a Tascam, my first as a professional was a Tascam M2600, and I now expect I'll likely end my career still mixing on this one!
That's a very flattering portrait, Sir Jim. And if I may say, I like the new touch of 'cameo' frames around our eminently wonderful faces. :eek:o_O It's unfortunate the other members all look like question marks, but ya just can't pick yer parents. :cool:


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OT: That's a selfie I took in the wonderful early morning light of northern CA... Sleepy Hollow in Marin County, precisely. Just an iPhone, and not even the new one.

Back OnT: I've got my DM future proofed: I bought a spare LCD screen, even though this one is working fine, so I don't have to worry about stock if this one ever goes bad. I'm ready for the next decade... I'm finding that improvements n my recordings come in small, unexpected ways, not by buying the latest gear. For example, just for convenience (and to get ready for smaller digs when we move to CA), I just moved my Egnater Rebel head and pedal chain into the control room, with a crazy long speaker cable that snakes into the live room. The result is not only more convenient, but I'm getting the best guitars sounds I've had, just because I can adjust the and the console at the same time. Sure, it seems obvious NOW.....
OT: That's a selfie I took in the wonderful early morning light of northern CA... Sleepy Hollow in Marin County, precisely. Just an iPhone, and not even the new one.

Back OnT: I've got my DM future proofed: I bought a spare LCD screen, even though this one is working fine, so I don't have to worry about stock if this one ever goes bad. I'm ready for the next decade... I'm finding that improvements n my recordings come in small, unexpected ways, not by buying the latest gear. For example, just for convenience (and to get ready for smaller digs when we move to CA), I just moved my Egnater Rebel head and pedal chain into the control room, with a crazy long speaker cable that snakes into the live room. The result is not only more convenient, but I'm getting the best guitars sounds I've had, just because I can adjust the and the console at the same time. Sure, it seems obvious NOW.....

What? We're going to be neighbors? Cool! When? And specifically - where? (Also, Marin's early light rivals the reference in the National Anthem, though the real estate prices exceed both. :) )

Yeah, it's the little work flow improvements that really matter. I mentioned this before, but I've pretty much relegated my outboard pre amps to the the 'museum section.' After having run several tests, I'm certain the DM's pres - with signal going straight in and unencumbered, save for occasionally necessary pre-ADC compression- is, for me, the optimum approach. The audio quality I'm getting lately is the best so far, IMO.

Now - all I need is to raid my bank account and get an $11,000 Telefunken ELA 250. A bargain basement price, if I say so myself:


Capt, we're moving the business out to Sonoma County this year... no later than July, maybe sooner. We're house shopping now, and Lisa is looking for a job that fits her background (NFP, mostly). I was visiting my sons and daughter-in-laws when this shot was taken... one pair lives in the city, the other in San Anselmo, on the hills surrounding Sleepy Hollow. We'd love San Rafael, but it's a bit out of our range. We'll likely land in utterly charming Petaluma.
Well, you'll be just 30 miles away from us here in glorious El Sobrante. Petaluma's a great little town (you know the chicken history, right?) We've got several friends in and around San Rafael; you're right, it's a bit pricey, but Petaluma's actually just as nice in many ways - but more affordable, rural - and warmer in the summer.

I think you'll really like it out here. Hopefully we can meet at some point, and if there's anything I can do to help, please holler.

And apologies for the big thread hijack. Sorry folks.

We spend a lot of time out there and we totally love it. And there is definitely a shared dram of single malt in our future!

We know return you to your regularly scheduled thread, perhaps still in progress.
Now I forgot what the heck we were talking about!
Single malt whattamajigs?
Spare LCDs?
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Glad I found this form. Can anyone help. I use the Tascam DM4800 with Remote control for Samplitude pro x. I had it setup to where all my faders 1-24 would move based on the automation. All 24 would like up and I could move a fader on the Tascam and the fader on Samplitude would move. NOW, when I boot up the Tascam and Samplitude, only 8 tracks are lit and usable. I didn't change any setting, Please Help......

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