Lost Talkback and headphone monitoring


Active Member
Dec 5, 2013
Gear owned
Everything was working fine. Then, lost the talkback through the headphones and the playback monitoring through the headphones as well. I'm at a loss. Did I do something. Any ideas would be appreciated.
That's strange, since TB is normally output through the Studio outputs (a separate DAC) and not the Phones outputs. Headphones are together with the Control Room outputs, so do those function?
The control room headphones work fine. I can hear the tracks. I just can't get talkback or the tracks to playback through the headphones to the talent. It was working fine. I was attempting to add reverb to a vocal mic and things went bad. I'm thinking I did something or have some routing wrong.
Interesting. I did a Factory reset and reconfigured everything. Now it is working. We had a lot of lightening storms in the area, perhaps there was s surge, even though I have surge protection and back up batteries. But all is well in the world. Only wasted a whole day.
So what are your headphones connected to? There are two headphone outputs on the desk that I was referring to - those are the same output as Control Room. Anyway, glad it's solved.
I guess I didn't explain it well. The headphones jack on the deck work fine. This was a problem with my Headphone sends aux 1 and 2 that quit working along with the talkback mic and output to the headphones aux 1 and 2 sends. But all is well now. Digital boards are prone to surges and digital gremlins. The factory reset worked! Thanks again for inquiring.
Ah, I see, makes sense now - but always weird. At work we call such digital gremlins 'crooked bits'.
I have a problem, the desktop headphone output my dm 3800 does not work, you hear one side and the other has a lot of interference and try everything
@RAYZOR22 Forgive me if this sounds like an obvious question. Have you tried another pair of headphones. And, does this happen when plugged into either of the headphone output jacks.

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