I'm looking into switching to a variable motor for my Porta02 MKii, however I can't find this motor anywhere online. Does anyone know where I can acquire this motor?
The typical motor is the EG530-2D-2B which is a 12V motor. The variable motors are like EG530-YD-2B and the 2B always means 12Vdc. The YD may have been made for dual cassettes.
There was a site called Kysan that had a lot of motors but many are made in China with that level of quality. Out of 100 motors I ordered there were about 10 that did not work. E bay is a good place to find these now and then- they may not always be available. You need to know what you are doing in modifications and much trial and error is often needed. More guys wreck deck trying to do this than are successful I am afraid.
Thanks for the information. Didn't realize how expensive the motors go for! I just replaced four capacitors to fix the no audio issue, and was looking to maybe do a variable pitch mod. I feel relatively comfortable soldering electronics. If I was to go through with the mod, do you have any tips on what to look out for when doing this specific mod?
Tascam ninja is not a vendor of mine. I try not to buy from high priced places as that usually signals that they are crooks and selling anything they can to get money- kind of like those on E bay. My advice on a Porta Studio is do no modifications as you will end up either wrecking it or having to pay a real technician if you can find one to fix it back the way it was. I have seen many butchered decks and it is ridiculous what people do to units and it just jacks the repair cost up high right away. There are very few Technicians do work on these and in the USA there may be three or four left that is it. Proceed with caution.