Mastered volume low


New Member
Jan 30, 2019
After i finish a song, I ,mix it then apply compression and eq and record it....I then NORMALIZE it and then record again...I then hit the MASTERING button and it saves ...I then take the WAV from the MASTER file from the MUSIC folder and put it on a USB stick or CD to listen to . The volume is VERY, VERY LOW and at least on the car stereo and home stereo, I have to turn the volume up to at least 3/4 volume to even have it a low to medium output ....I then take the file and import it into AUDACITY to amplify or normalize it to try and increase the volume and it ends up all distorted and sounding terrible ....Am I doing something wrong because the volume is good in the monitors . I tried NOT to normalize it in the final mastering and mix and it is even LOWER volume ...thanks for your help
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In the stickies at the top of this forum is a thread called Production Tips. The answer to your question is in that thread on the second page.

If you still have questions after reading there, come back to this thread with your follow up. :)
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