Hi Darryl, not too clear what you mean by 'all my masters'. If these are your pre-mixed stereo files, one per song, then you can copy them one by one to the machine for mastering. The details are in this
post, but basically you...
1. Create a song with the same format as your file.
2. Copy the file into the song folder under the Music folder, and rename it so that it matches the song name (the exact name is crucial so see the post).
The machine will then think you've done a mixdown, so when you go into Mastering mode, you can use the mastering effects to master it.
If you want the files arranged one after the other in the same song, then you'll have to append them using a computer before copying to the machine... there can only be one mix/master file per song... but this means you'd have to master it in one pass.
If you really mean you want to copy the files to tracks for mixing and mastering on the machine, then you have to convert your files into tracks by creating a song and using the Import process via AudioDepot to import each wave file into a track on the current song. You can then mixdown and master as reqd.
Again, if you want a contiguous set of 'songs' which make up your album, you'll have to append them first.
You could keep each song separate and master them independently, then copy each master file back to the computer for appending into the album.