Model 12 Main (bottom) Faders don't seem to do anything?

Scorpio Rising

New Member
Jan 21, 2025
Gear owned
Model 12
Complete newbie here appealing for your help, I've managed to input some instruments and modify their levels via gain/compression and record them. After this I've (sort of) balanced their relative volume in the mix via the orange aux buttons. I don't seem to be able to use the faders to make any changes either pre or post recording. What am I doing wrong?

Forgive me but the bus/aux/main terminology is hurting my brain (the last "studio" hardware I used was a vestax 4 track cassette recorder in the 80's!)

I'm certain this is user error and I've read through the manual but that elusive "understanding" has not yet clicked into place in head.

Block diagram would be a good place to start. Very 'graphic' (connects the words to the concepts) and gives meaning to all the lingo/terms. Understanding routing is a MUST! Good luck -
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AUX Send pots have orange cap, would you go into detail about what are you doing with the Model and give an example of input/ouput connections?
Okay thanks I'll try with the detail. Recorded a middle 8 repeating to test/learn about the model 12.

Speakers plugged into headphone 1

Input track 1& 2. Main left/right jacks from e-drum kit (recorded last)
Input track 3. Jack from digital piano
Input track 4. Jack from bass guitar
Input track 5. Strings Layer from same digital piano jack
Input track 6. jack from guitar

pushed solo on all recorded tracks, used red gain buttons for levels.

When playing back:

Drums 1/2 - only affected by blue eq not orange aux levels (actually don't know how to raise/lower volume level on these tracks)
3 - piano level controlled by orange aux levels
4 Bass level controlled by orange aux levels
5 Stings, not sure what the hell affects this but not orange aux
6 Guitar levels controlled by orange aux

Aux 1 AFL "engaged"
MTR mode on playback (all tracks)

Faders/pan no control on anything. Also no digital effects working yet (tried and failed). Also clearly I've sub consciously done something "different" whilst recording tracks 1/2 and 5 because they behave differently (not affected by aux)

I don't care about the recording it's just a test so no loss, but I seem to have deployed my super power of messing up anything outside of an actual musical instrument.

Any help would be very much appreciated.
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AUX1 Send is Pre Fader by default, when POST FADER is selected in Menu > MIXER > AUX1 SEND an orange LED will lit leftmost of the AUX1 row.

I'm unclear if you enaged SOLO for gain staging only or also while monitoring, anyway:
go to MENU > MIXER > SOLO MODE: you'll probably have it set to default value which is pre-fader listen, select INPLACE SOLO and tell us if faders start working.

It's worth noting that individual tracks are always recorded pre-fader, the MTR/USB send point is selected under Menu > MIXER (options are PRE-COMPressor, POST COMPressor or POST EQualizer).

That said, IMO your use of the phone jack for monitors is perfectly legit but one must keep in mind that the Model 12 has some restrictions here and there, and Main Outputs should be preferred for monitoring unless there are good reasons to do otherwise.

Choose a channel for testing FX: raise AUX2 Send (provided there is nothing plugged in the AUX2 Output jack), engage FX ON (look at the LCD), assign FX to MAIN, raise FX fader and listen to Main Mix.

Keep the manual at hand, it may be obscure on some topics but it's better than going blind.
I suggest looking at the block diagram carefully to grasp the logic and beauty of the Model 12.

I would add a "Model 12" tag to the topic title to better inform people browsing the forum.
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Thank you, I selected INPLACE SOLO and have noted the faders are active. Makes sense re utilising main output and will do so after I collect some monitors with XLR connections I have on order. I completely take you at face value re the logic and beauty of the Model 12, I've seen glimpses that amaze me already but nothing is intuitive for me at all at this stage (I struggle to take onboard new information, but that's another story altogether). I have the block diagram full screen on another monitor and sooner or later I'm sure it will sink in!
Thanks again
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Almost any monitor can be used for first experiments, just pick a cable with XLR at one end and a connector suitable for the monitor input at the other end.
Happy to help!
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