MTC with Cubase

Bob Jonezon

Active Member
Feb 5, 2015
Gear owned
Hey, I've had my DM4800 for a couple of weeks now, and I'm just floored by how well laid out and flexible the console is. I've got all the routing worked out, but came across something curious with the MTC lock between Cubase and the DM.

I'd like to be able to use the automation engine in the DM (as opposed to remote mode), and this requires the time code clock in the DM to lock with Cubase.

When I run Cubase as the master, and have the DM use the USB MTC port as the clock source for automation, I've noticed that the clock position in the DM only updates when I hit "play" on the transport (I have the transport sending MMC to Cubase).

So I can FF/RW, Jog, Shuttle, but the Time Code on the DM doesn't reflect the correct position until I hit play. It's just a bit annoying, because I use the time code readout on the meter bridge as my main point of reference.

There is an option in Cubase to make sure the MTC output follows the project position, and that is checked. I haven't tried intercepting the MIDI, but it does appear that Cubase is sending MTC updates when the position is changed at Stop, it just doesn't appear the DM is following those updates.

If I reverse roles, and use the internal MTC generator in the DM as the Master and slave Cubase to it, everything works as it should (Cubase happily follows shuttling while stopped), and the DM time code tracks fine as the master. But I do lose the ability to "scrub" with the jog wheel in this configuration (with the transport controlling the internal MTC generator).

I can upload some screen shots if need be, but was curious if anyone else had run into similar issues.
I will send screenshots when I get home from work tonight
Here's my configuration with Cubase as the Master, and the DM4800 as the slave (with the transport controlling Cubase).

In this configuration, the DM timecode is only updated when "Play" is pressed on the transport (it doesn't track through shuttling / jogging / etc...) I also notice intermittent "hickups" in the DM timecode during playback (brief pauses).


  • Cubase-MASTER-Project-Sync.png
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Here's the configuration with the DM internal MTC generator as the master, and Cubase slaving. In this configuration, the clocks sync perfectly all the time, but I lose the ability to "scrub" with the log wheel.


  • Cubase-Slave-Project-Sync.png
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What's your DM midi screen look like
Here's my MIDI screen I haven't been changing anything here when switching between Cubase master and DM4800 master


  • DM4800-MIDI.png
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You have MIDI thru off. Should be set to usb
I can give that a roll, but I'm not sure how that would come in to play since I don't have anything connected to the physical MIDI Thru port on the DM.

In fact, I'm relatively certain that's one of the things I experimented with, and it didn't seem to change any behavior regardless of which setting was uses there.

I'll give it a try though.
Actually it doesn't work when I scrub either. Don't know then. Never really bothered me as I was more concerned in getting it to sync in playback
Ah... So in your case are you using the DM's internal generator and having the DAW slave to it?
I think when you choose to have the transport control the internal generator, that's when the scrub feature goes away. At least that seems to be the case for me.
You may be correct. When doing foley work and the scrub i automatically was looking at the Cubase transport
Sounds good. I'm going to try to find a way to "sniff" the MIDI and try to see if I can figure out exactly what's going on. I'll let you know what I turn up.

Thanks for the help / insight!
Yes let me know if you figure it out. Might as well have it working here if there's a way
Scrub wheel on the DM mixers toggles between two modes via Jog/Shuttle button, DAW timeline scroll or DM parameter value/ DM menu item select when non Remote layers are in focus/selected.

When Remote layer is in focus/selected, Jog/Shuttle button toggles between time line Scroll and Scrub. At least it does in Cubase & Nuendo when the DM is set for Steinberg Mackie Control. I've never tried it with any other DAW

I usually have Nuendo (or Cubase) set to Internal sending MTC to DM mixer.

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