MX View with Windows 7


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2012
Kansas, USA
Gear owned
DM 4800 DM 3200 MX2424s
Hi all,

I've noticed a few posts about running MX View on other than XP systems. Just wanted to say it will run on Windows 7 perfectly, but it took a bit of fussing to get it going initially. I posted about it on the old forum. Here's the link:

Notice that I had a prior MX View installation on an XP box, so I was able to easily copy the files to do this installation. If you aren't so fortunate, I can provide them to you in a zip file via e-mail. Send me a private message and I'll hook you up.
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Thanks for the hookup. Working great on XP X64 which is difficult to please.
when I migrate to 7. I'll follow the same procedure. You Rock Timm!
My pleasure, Doug!
Just transfered MX view folder from my XP box to a Win7 notebook and it works fine after setup network.
Only if I tried to unmount all drives via MX-view this task hang up.

Did anyone experience something similar ?
Hey Strados,

I usually unmount via the machines themselves, but I don't recall having an issue with that in the past. I'll patch a Win7 box onto my network to see if I can duplicate that error and let you know.
OK -- I just connected a Win 7 laptop which has MX View installed as per the instructions linked above. The drive was mounted initially upon booting up the 2424. Was able to unmount, remount, load a project, then unmount again from MX View with no problems.

Is the MX View program locking up when you try to unmount, or is it the entire computer? In spite of the lock up, does the drive still unmount?
The drive won't unmount if the mx is doing something at the time, this could be writing the image files for the wave which it does after recording. This sometimes takes a little time if the project has a lot of tracks or is long. It also won't unmount if you are doing any type of copy or backup function, or the mx is recording.

I have never used mx view to unmount the drive, I always use the buttons on the mx or the remote, I will try it next time I am at the studio.

It could also be a glitch in mx running on a windows that it was not designed to run on? I have a small glitch running on XP Pro, where windows sometimes wants to shut down mx view with that stupid message "Do you want to shut down program" and there is only an OK button LOL, so it's telling me. The program freeze does not stop the mx or stuff up recording so I just re-start mx view, happens every now and then.

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I see my share of glitches on XP too, Alan. The oddest one I encounter involves importing/exporting individual files when I'm running a multi-machine view in MX View. Never works, always locks the program. Killing the MX process and restarting when this happens often brings up empty tracks and other bizarre behavior, but I've not had any tracks lost due to this. If I open MX View in "single machine" mode, the tracks will usually load without problem, though occasionally it requires rebooting the computer, unmounting and restarting the 2424s.

I actually keep 3 different start shortcuts on my desktop, each starting up to a different "mode" of MX View (I believe the actual term would be "saved window layouts"): Multi-machine, and 2 single machine views (machine A & machine B). Import/export in "single machine" mode always works perfectly.

Definitely a program designed by a group of people who haven't spent a load of time making records! Very kludgy in many respects, but it gets the job done!
Is the MX View program locking up when you try to unmount, or is it the entire computer? In spite of the lock up, does the drive still unmount?

Thanks for your testing.
MX View is locking up completely if I select "Volumes / Unmount" but the computer is running well. There where no activities on mx at that time. After killing the MX View process and restart I can load a project, playback etc. Only unload volumes will lock it up immediately.
OK, I normally unload volumes from the machine keys, just simply wantet to test all possible functions remotely.

At recording session I control the mx from my DM24. MX View is just used to have a look on all tracks and created wave.
Hey Strados,

Sorry to hear not all functions are working on your install. Do other disk functions (Smart copy and disk cleanup for example) work from MX View? Are you using the internal or external drives? The more info we can glean from your situation, the more it may help someone else down the road.

Sounds as though you use MX View similarly to the way I do. I control most playback/record functions from a DM 3200, using MX View for monitoring wave forms, editing, and track management. Fortunately, the mount/unmount problem is easily handled from the front panel!
Do other disk functions (Smart copy and disk cleanup for example) work from MX View? Are you using the internal or external drives? .... Fortunately, the mount/unmount problem is easily handled from the front panel!
On my XP box all functions did run well. On the Win7 box I must check it up.
But I think all I nead will run well.
Thanks again !
Glad to hear it, Strados! Best of luck to you!
Sorry I forgot to answer:
On both MX I'm using internal sata drives up to 500GB fitted into mobile racks "Jou Jye ST135".
The bay of these mobile racks are connected inside mx via ACARD AEC-7730A SCSII / SATA Bridge.
I think, I was the first one who replaced the internal SCSII drives by SATA drives in 2009. I posted a lot and many pictures on the old forum.
I should have remembered — I've gone through that thread several times! Been thinking about moving in that direction myself.

Perhaps that is the issue with MX View being able to unmount the drives? Who knows exactly with this software, just throwing ideas out there :)

Still, the performance improvement would override the unmount from MX View issue, IMHO. Thanks for reminding me, Strados!!
Thanks a bunch, this worked for me too! :geek:

Terry D.
Howdy, everyone! I installed MX View on my Windows 10 machine. It works great! I really only use MX View to download everything from my MX 2424 to a hard-drive for editing in Pro Tools. I found, though, that I cannot have the Project/Track window open at the same time as the Import/Export window. If they are open at the same time, the batch download errors. Other than that, I'm a happy camper!
Just transfered MX view folder from my XP box to a Win7 notebook and it works fine after setup network.
Only if I tried to unmount all drives via MX-view this task hang up.

Did anyone experience something similar ?
I also have this unmount issue, it hangs if unmounting from software.
Well, I might have spoken a bit too soon - or maybe not.

Confusing, yeah. You guys who have it working, is your installation fully functional?

I installed MXVIEW on my WIN 7 64 machine the way it was described here and I was able to connect to my MX and control it. I'm not sure if I tried a network backup at that time (a couple of months ago)

Whether I did or not, here's what happens now:

I connect from the Win7 machine to the MX, it opens up the project list. I can load a project, and play it.

But if I select a project to back up, the first hint of trouble is that trying to change the verify setting to not verify creates the usual warning pop up but which now can't be clicked on. The program is locked up. I can live with that, I guess.

Unfortunately after making a verified backup the "Disk Copies Complete" notification can't be clicked on either, MXVIEW is locked up.

So basically, any pop up locks the program and it has to be killed with task manager.

Does this happen for you also? I wish I could remember if I tried backing up all the way through when I first installed this a couple of months ago. If I was sure it worked after installation, I could start uninstalling windows updates until it works again - which was what got some of my old CD based games working.

Thanks for any info you can share

Terry D.
Hey Terry,

Just saw your post - sorry for the delay.

I normally connect multiple SCSI drives to each machine during a session (I use 2 2424s, tracking at 96kHz). One drive is what I call "main", the other(s) would be for backups. I backup frequently during sessions to the backup drives using MX View installed as outlined. I've not experienced any issues.

Do all of the other functions (editing, looping, etc.) work from the MX View installation?

I sometimes encounter the "could not verify" error, but in every case this was due to the SCSI drive I was transferring to needing to be re-formatted. I've not had MX-View lock up if this occurs.

That said, I've not tried Ethernet backups with this installation. I backup the SCSI drives to my office computer using the Adaptec 29160 card; much faster than Ethernet, and I can then pull the individual wav files into other DAWs, if needed. So long as they've been rendered prior to the backup at the 2424, of course.

Feel free to email me (timm [at] timm biery [dot] com) if you need furtjer assistance. Happy to provide whatever info I can.

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