My "Aha" Moment


Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Queens, New York
Gear owned
2 x DM3200, DA-3000
I am happy to say, and at the same time extremely embarrassed, that after 5 years of using my Tascam DM3200, I finally had my "aha" moment in regards to the routing (including how it interfaces with my DAW). When I first got the board, I was extremely eager to set it up and get it working similar to the work flow I was accustomed to. With the help of several people from this forum (especially Tascman), I got it configured to my liking. Once working, I never really ventured past that configuration in order to reduce the risk of messing things up when I had back to back deadlines to meet. Part of what led to my epiphany was getting the 2nd DM3200 which forced me out of my comfort zone. However, what really put me over the edge was re-visiting the now famous "Zen Routing" thread created by our recently departed, but never to be forgotten, CaptDan. I've glossed over it before but for some reason my brain rejected the concept (probably because it was overloaded with other things at the time). What kills me is how #$#$%$ easy the logic is once you "get it" (duhh!!). To my defense, I came out of an extremely long hiatus from music shortly before purchasing the DM (17 years) and the last serious setup I had consisted of an 8 track reel-to-reel, a 16 channel mixer, some outboard effect processors and a DAT machine. Without knowing anything but the technology I remembered from 20 years prior, I pulled the trigger on purchasing the DM3200 and Cubase which was a shock to my system. Anyway, now I can move on to more complicated applications with the board knowing what I know now.

Thanks again CaptDan, wherever you are.

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I'm waiting on that aha moment to come dealing with the automation portion. I just can not seem to wrap my head around it.
It would be awesome if someone came with a tutorial for that. I'm stuck using the automation in Logic X. I can only imagine how great it would be to use it on the console.
I haven't tried the automation on the board. I don't use much automation to be honest and what little I do is easier to do through the DAW. Will check it out anyway one day just to understand it.
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I think the only way to understand the Automation in the DM - is to use it. It's standard like all mixers. I never use the software automation.
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I guess I'll just have to dive in during some downtime.
I think the only way to understand the Automation in the DM - is to use it. It's standard like all mixers. I never use the software automation.
But I do recall you saying in one of your videos that you record the DM automation in the DAW as well that way you have automation in both places? I found that pretty cool (if I am remembering correctly).
For me the DM automation was very good.

The problem, in my case is that I keep changing things in the DAW.
It would be a nightmare to sort out the changes in the DAW vs. the DM.
I'd end up saving numerous DM versions, but then I'd tweak something in the DAW.
Major PITA

I'd advise using the DM automation when you are very close to the final mix.
It is very well implemented, but is based on the concept of playing back fixed tracks or as Jim said..
Flying Faders.
But I do recall you saying in one of your videos that you record the DM automation in the DAW as well that way you have automation in both places? I found that pretty cool (if I am remembering correctly).

Absolutely. But only in Cubase or Ableton. A colleague of mine suggested it because it serves as a backup if I move the session to another computer elsewhere. Since I don't use the remote layer, I can't do it in Pro Tools.
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Waterstrum, I've been pondering, and I can't get my head around the idea that hybrid mixing is a PITA. Why does making changes in the DAW produce this disconnect? This is how I work and it doesn't bother me.
Waterstrum, I've been pondering, and I can't get my head around the idea that hybrid mixing is a PITA. Why does making changes in the DAW produce this disconnect? This is how I work and it doesn't bother me.

I don't think I explained very well.
I love hybrid mixing.
That is how I do everything.
The DM works great with my DAW.

Re: the PITA...
I was referring to using the DM automation with projects that are still in a state of flux.
For me... using the DM's automation ended up being very hard to update when I would change things in the DAW.
Working on a "final" version of a song.
Got it all tweaked in the DAW and then did extensive automation in the DM.
Client wants to cut measure three and then copy half of the first chorus to right after the bridge.
I perform these edits in the DAW.
The DM automation is just reading time code and doesn't know that I made these changes.
All of the tedious and careful DM automation is now unaware of the changes.
Is there a way to make it aware?
I may be missing something in the implementation.
I'm surely not an expert in the automation.

You have to send the automation data from the DAW back to the DM. That's done with the MIDI In port of the DM which has the read the automation data from the DAW's MIDI Out.
I can see how that would be a problem. I don't start an automated mix until the track is approved. But if changes were made after that as you describe, I'd just redo the mix.
You have to send the automation data from the DAW back to the DM. That's done with the MIDI In port of the DM which has the read the automation data from the DAW's MIDI Out.

Hi Jamsire,
This is my Aha moment.
I didn't understand that the DM onboard automation data was recordable in the DAW.
Are you saying that I can record the onboard Tascam automation to the DAW and have it as a track that I could edit there?
Sounds like a great solution.
I'm embarrassed to say that I have no idea of how to implement the solution.
Thanks for your assistance!
I can see how that would be a problem. I don't start an automated mix until the track is approved. But if changes were made after that as you describe, I'd just redo the mix.

Thanks for the reply Jim.
Just to be sure...
I'm talking about the DM onboard automation.
I'm already using the Remote layer for bi-directional automation within my DAW.
It is working great.

That being said, I really like some of the features in the onboard automation.
As Jim said... it is like Flying Faders from back in the day.

I'm thinking Sir Jamsire is offering a way to have the best of both worlds.

Are you saying that I can record the onboard Tascam automation to the DAW and have it as a track that I could edit there?
Sounds like a great solution.
I'm embarrassed to say that I have no idea of how to implement the solution.
Thanks for your assistance!

Don't be embarrassed - I ALWAYS record the board's automation into the DAW and use any edits on the DM's automation with the Trim features.

Thinking out loud, you could essentially record your automation in the Daw using the remote layer, edit, re-edit in the DAW, then, record the DAW's automation back the DM via MIDI Clock from the DAW to DM's MIDI In. Maybe one day I'll connect the MIDI In and give it a try.

Very sexy indeed.
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I'm experimenting with just recording the faders and pans via midi.
Really cool to have all the faders automated within the DAW.

I'm forgoing the internal automation in the DM.
It is a great feature of the mixer, but is not my cup of tea.
Great for a final mix of a finished project, but I'm very seldom in that place.
I end up saving many versions of the snapshot and the automation and it becomes too confusing when combined with the various versions in the DAW.

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