Need latest firmware for DM4800


New Member
May 3, 2021
Gear owned
I really need the latest firmware for my Dm4800. I all I can find is 1.70.
All help will be greatly appreciated.
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Does updating to the latest firmware influence the connection with Protools?
I am running version 1.72b4 and have no issues with Pro Tools Artist. What exactly are you referring to when you say "connection"?
I'm sorry, I'm Dutch so I may have walked into the language barrier 🫣
I meant does updating have any bad consequences regarding my connection to iMac with Protools10? I just went through a lot of trouble getting my gear working so I don't wanna mess it up.
And what are the benefits of updating?

Thank you.
No worries Alex. I understand now. Cannot help you on the Mac side as I run my DAW in Windows. Never going to switch to Mac. My philosophy has always been: If it is not broken, do not fix it. I am happy with v.1.72b4 and have no plans on updating it. Best of luck!
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