The exact way to switch the main mix out sends to feed the 2 channels of your choice on the Model 24 depends purely on your DAW - so I can’t help you specifically.
But I confirm when USB connection and Asio driver is working, I find can select any track or bus grouping in my DAW to assign to play through ANY channel of the Model 16.
I use this approach to mix some stems that had been pre EQ’d and processed the DAW with effects, to take advantage of M16’s true analog summing. While I am not yet all that skilled at mixing, I hear a distinct warmth and glue factor when mixong this way which I like for my music. It is however, seemingly to my ears more sensitive to getting gain setting just right vs doing it in digital domain on the Model 12.
Note you can also record each send track from the DAW while simultaneously listening to it as it plays through and records post fader stereo masrer.. The only trade off is that while the DAW will “render” your summed mix faster than the song length, the analog way you have to actually do a full PLAYBACK the song from the DAW in real time ... just like you were capturing to a tape deck.
OF course you can also go a different route and save the stems from DAW as stereo WAV files and import them into a new song on the Model. to me this is slower and and less visceral so I don’t do for short songs, but for longer composition might make good sense).
Playback from DAW approach also means you can manually ride the faders - actually mix like an old school DJ- making tweaks as the song plays. If you keep track, you cooked make a scratch version of your song with different levels within the song, playback, and pick what part of the song sounds best in a variety of listening environments for final mix down.