Post fader routing channels 1-16 to record vocal track in cubase 8.5 with eq and compressor

Toni Kamel

New Member
May 20, 2016
Gear owned
Hi guys.
I recently got a dm-3200 console and since then I am trying to route the Mic/Line channels to record in cubase post fader (with eq, dynamix and reverb) to no success. I tried to follow the manual, google the problem, but to no success so far. Any help on the matter would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
My setup is as follows:
- DM-3200 connected to focusrite saffire pro 26 io via adat in/out. My daw is cubase 8.5.
It's pretty simple, but may be hard to explain. You need to route the inputs through the busses - not through Direct. The Busses can go to the FW card. When you go through the busses - you get the EQ, Compression/ Gates from the channels in the board.

In the output routing screen on the FW card just route the channels with the Buss/Dirxx (xx = channel numbers. There are better instructions on this method on this forum, you really do have to search.
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