Hi, as a newbie to this site, just got to say how pleased i am overall with the dp32sd. Since 2007 i have been using my trusty zoom mrs 1608 and the tascam is a great machine and in my eyes a logical upgrade without going down the daw route. Thanks goes to Phil Tipping of course for making the learning curve as painless as possible! I know this is a perrenial question about internal send effects but here goes.... So on track one i record acoustic guitar with a nice touch of compression using input dynamic effect. On track 2 i record a high strung nashville guitar, again with a bit of compression. So now i want to bounce track 1 and 2 to stereo tracks 9/10 and record the 2 guitars panned hard right and left, with reverb. Meaning that track 9/10 has the reverb actually printed onto that track. I get how to set up the sends, and i can hear the effect on the bounced track... but...when i turn the send effect off to check the reverb has actually printed to the track, the reverb disappears, suggesting to me that i cannot actually print the effect using bounce, only mixdown. Sorry for the lengthy post, i guess im missing something obvious, but before i get on ebay and pick up something like a lexicon mx200 to serve all my effects needs, it would be nice to know is this is possible (or not) and how.