The usual question at this point is: "Okay! So, how do I perform clean punch ins that way?" Good question. (Jamsire knows this, but for those who don't)................................
Unless you're using PTools HD, with proprietary hardware featuring direct input monitoring, you need to do punch ins differently. Best way is to use Ptools' PlayList feature, or copy the track needing repair to two or three new tracks. Keep those new tracks Muted so they don't combine into the DM's mix causing confusing latency. Then, delete the cloned waves in the new tracks leaving space for the punches.
Next, erase or excise the flawed parts of the old track, leaving enough material ahead of the punch to monitor with. Then, set up a Quick Punch 'bracket' to kick in and punch out at the appropriate time on the new tracks. Record as many punch - passes as necessary until satisfied. Afterwards, separate the new piece(s) from the punch track(s), and lay them into the original track.
ProTools 10 and above features Clip Gain (and CrossFade)- very handy for smoothing out punches too loud or soft relative to the original recording. If there are extra DM channels available, the repaired tracks can also be routed to those channels if additional finessing is necessary.
I've done hundreds of punches this way, and it works just fine. It really doesn't take that much longer and leaves quite a bit of editing and adjusting control.