Problem with DR-44WL v. 2.00 firmware - can't downgrade

Michel Simplement

Active Member
May 31, 2016
Gear owned
I have upgraded the firmware of my DR-44WL device to version 2.00 two weeks ago and the device bacame very unstable. Consequently, I missed a very important recording. Since then, version 2.00 has been removed from the download repository but problen is that the device refuses to downgrade to a previous version. I tried to fool the machine by renaming the old version file with a version 2.00 or even 2.01 but it refuses to buy the trick.

TASCAM, if you are ever looking at this forum, do you have any solution for this situation ?
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The same for the DR-22WL. In addition to this forum (see the thread I opened after my DR-22WL got stacked during a record session) I wrote to the TASCAM support, both locally (Italy) and in the the US. I do hope many others will do the same so they could not ignore this very major issue!!!
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I have dr44wl and I lost 2 whole wedding audios after the v2.0 update I tried downgrade and without success !!! I do not know what to do. It has become unusable. Someone who can solve us, please help. And TASCAM PLEASE CORRECT THIS TERRIVAL ERROR OF V2.0
were you using WiFi when you lost your records or not?
For the DR-22WL (that is the one I own) it seems instability occurs when used with remote control via WiFi.
My only hope for the moment is that the unit can still be used stand alone (although this is not the use I meant when I bought)!

P.S. I strongly recommend you to contact Tascam support. I did (no reply BTW) because this is the only thing we can do to solicitate a fix to this horrible bug!
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Yes I was using wifi and this is the function that I use most to give the rec and to monitor the audio !! I will try without the wifi to see if it solves .. Thanks for the tip and I got in touch today with the support of the tascam .. I hope they respond ..
Yesterday a new version of the App for Android has been released.
Not tried yet, but it can hardly be worse than the old one...
I don't know if it fixes what seems to be more a firmware issue, but it is true that the device apparently crashed always when remotely controlled... Worth to try.
It really looks like that the bug with the wifi is the culprit. I realised in the middle of a concert that the device froze (using wifi) and I could successfully record the second half by starting the DR-44WL manually. I could also record a whole concert without any problems few days ago without touching the wifi. So, stay away from that feature until TASCAM finds a fix.
Yesterday a new version of the App for Android has been released.
Not tried yet, but it can hardly be worse than the old one...
I don't know if it fixes what seems to be more a firmware issue, but it is true that the device apparently crashed always when remotely controlled... Worth to try.
It is shameful that there is no "what's new" info that comes along with the update but when I opened the app, I had an ALERT telling me that the DR-44WL firmware was obsolete and I run v. 2.0. So, TASCAM is probably cooking up something that is to be release in the near future. Let's hope it is the case.
Version 2.01 just came out yesterday: "Operation stability has been improved" in the "what's new".
I'm currently at 2.10 with my DR 44WL and my IPAD when recording stays connected max 1-3 minutes then frezes the DR 44 WL works fine on standalone but to unfreze the IPAD I have to turn off and on the WI FI on the DR 44WL and restart the connection and DR Control on my IPAD. (I've tryied the direct connection). Hope someone will find a fix

My related post
Even 2.01 with Android App 2.1.0 released March 7 2017 is still very unreliable.
Tascam is definitely unable to make the WiFi connection working properly.
I gave up and uses the recorder only locally when I need reliable recording. Not possible to check and adjust rec level live during concerts, when the recorder is placed in a tripod just in front of the stage.
This is a real pity, since the only real advantage of this recorder over competitors is (on paper only, unfortunately) the WiFi capability.
Still I can't believe but this seems the case.
A real fail from Tascam! They are apparently working on this, although very slowly, but they have not been able to fix it so far!
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