Question about panning linked stereo channels


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2015
Gear owned
Hi Guys,

Can anyone tell me how to unlink panning on stereo linked channels? In other words, I want to pan the left channel say 80% left and the right channel 80% to the right instead of both channels moving left or right when I grab the master channel pan. Been digging in the manual and haven't found this yet. I'm sure I am just overlooking that section somehow. Thanks!
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Same way you linked them. Press them both and a message says to hit enter to unlink them

I want the channels to remain linked but the pans unlinked. In other words I want the pans to move in equal but opposite directions. I linked the channels from the assign/link/group page by navigating with the cursor keys and then hitting enter on the left channel only. So I'm not really sure how I would press both channels from that page using the cursor keys? Are you referring to a different method of linking channels perhaps?
They automatically are panned hard left and right when link... It's one or the other..linked or unlinked. You can't separate the pan and volume when linked as it is now considered one audio source. When I want to do what you're trying to do when mixing ITB with the Remote layer, I use the stereo link feature of the DAW which allows what you are trying to do.

See older thread on subject..
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Okay cool. Just read that thread. Yeah, that's what was throwing me off, i.e. the fact that the pan indicator just sits in the center position. Now I see that they are really panned hard left and hard right.

@Fiber posted this reply below in that thread so maybe I'll play with that bc sometimes I want the pans somewhere just inside of hard L/R:

You can change stereo image settings at the setup tab of a channel. It's on the bottom. Probably not what you're looking for but if someone else needs it.
I group two channels so I can move the faders together and pan them separately. But that's just me.
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I didn't know about grouping! I need to try that. Thanks for sharing.
@ jamsire

Aah! Now I get it. I didn't notice there is a "Fader Group" option as well as a "ST Link" option. I'll have to try grouping just the faders myself. This is probably what I'm after. Thanks for the tip.

Fader Group vs. ST link.jpg
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Fader grouping is invaluable - particularly for controlling multiple channels in an automated mix.

Fader grouping is invaluable - particularly for controlling multiple channels in an automated mix.


Indeed!! But remember folks, I NEVER mix ITB. I always use the board's automation and this feature gives me amazing control, especially when I'm using modulated synths and orchestral arrangements.

Carry on!
On a related note, how do you link EQ for grouped/linked channels? I figured out how to do this for the compressor via that little obscure "link" button on the Module page but there doesn't seem to be the same facility for EQ so I can equalize a stereo bus with one instance of EQ. I'm learning...
Pretty simple - just copy the EQ from one channel to the other, then blend to taste - the manual does wonders here.

Glad you're enjoying the board.
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Yes I considered that but if I tweak the EQ (like I'm prone to do) at any point(s) during the mix then I have to copy + paste, rinse and repeat each time. I'm too lazy for that. :LOL:
That's what SnapShots are for. Store Setting 'A' to one EQ Snapshot, Setting 'B' to another.

During automated mixing, call up the second Snapshot, keep it waiting 'cued-up' on the menu until it's required, then hit ENTER and it's dropped into the mix. Call up the previous setting (if required), rinse, repeat.

Love it!
That's what SnapShots are for. Store Setting 'A' to one EQ Snapshot, Setting 'B' to another.

During automated mixing, call up the second Snapshot, keep it waiting 'cued-up' on the menu until it's required, then hit ENTER and it's dropped into the mix. Call up the previous setting (if required), rinse, repeat.


All of the above CaptDan. I do that constantly.
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Another extra 'pair of hands' trick involves the encoders, their function settings and the Flip Button.

If you want to automate a pan, choose the first 'tier' ('Grey'), 'Pan' selection in the Encoder panel, highlight the pan dial in the desired Channel Module's Setup screen, hit FLIP, then use the channel fader to operate the pan position of the channel - flying it left, center - right -back again - any speed or position you choose. In automated mixing, several passes can be done for special efx.

And/Or - select AUX (second tier 'Blue' {Alt key}, and use the Flip function to accurately control the Aux levels and/or pans.

Tascam didn't include an assistant engineer in the console, but they offer the next best thing. ;)

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