Question about Tascam DP 006

Marc J Hoke

New Member
Oct 27, 2018
Gear owned
Tascam DP 006
hello everyone....

I'm new to this but can't find the answer to my recording question in the manual or on YT. I recently
bought the DP 006 to facilitate the need to recording vocals in neighborhood rehearsal spaces...
I really need to be able to import a file (say it be a rough mixed drums, bass, and guit idea) to the
device. Ive tried using the SD method first. I dropped the MP3 into the folder for the SD, did the
same when trying the USB avenue. But, I cant seem to locate them on the device.
...Can anyone wak my thru this with info on File size rules, etc.. the manual hasnt been much help
and YT vids seem to cover everything but this. Thanks in advance!!!!
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I don't own a DP-006 - but I just glanced at the manual and found this in the features list:

• Import and export stereo WAV files to stereo tracks
• Export stereo masters as stereo WAV files

It appears that this unit deals only in .wav files. I don't think mp3's are a supported file type for the DP-006.

I also found this in Chapter 12 of the manual:

Track import and export
You can import and export individual tracks between a computer and this
unit’s FAT partition.
Files that can be imported/exported as tracks must be in the WAV format (with
the “.WAV” extension).
You can import and export both mono and stereo files.
If you want to import an audio file that is of a different format, you must first
convert it to a 16-bit, 44.1kHz mono/stereo WAV file.

So you not only need your imported files to be .wav - they also need to be 16-bit, 44.1kHz .wav's.
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Page 88 of the DP006 manual states that ONLY 16-bit, 44.1 kHZ, mono or stereo WAV files can be imported. If you are attempting to import MP3 files it will fail. You must first convert your MP3 files to a properly formatted .wav file.

Dave beat me too it.... what he said!
thx guys ...trying that now. But i'm still curious where it will be located. The folders I have the option to dump into....I dont see on the other end., BUT we shall see
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I really need to find someone who knows the full procedure. I just replaced the file with the WAV version..following the specs (placing in the folder with the device and computer link via USB.
The 006 still says no file to import. Im doing something else wrong.
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Well, darn it. Since I don't own that model I can't be much more help. If you've followed the instructions *exactly* as stated on pages 88-89 of the user's manual - I'm not sure where else to go with it.
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Just joined this forum a couple of hours ago. I've spent hours the last couple of nights trying to copy a wav song into the wave folder on my 006 but it wasn't recognized. I tried all sorts of weird advice like converting to mp3 then converting back to wav, all no good. So long story short, I exported my tune from Audacity as a .wav file (Microsoft) signed 16 bit PCM. I then uploaded that to an online converter that had the options to save it as 16-bit, 44.1kHz mono/stereo WAV file. After downloading the converted file I put that in the Wave folder of my 006 and voila! I guess any online converter that offers the options needed will do, I used one called online audio converter, I don't work for them, honest! As I said any software that lets you specify the right parameters will do. Tomorrow I'll try working on the file, but as a complete newbie I'll be back here searching for answers I expect. Good luck.
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All Porta/Pocketstudio works similar. Especially the small pocketsize ones have another OS as the bigger Portastudios (like DP-24/32 with CD or SD).
No access to internal song files.
WAVE folder for import/export.
Only 16bit/44.1kHz sampling supported.

Provided you keep these boundaries, it works flawless, as confirmed also by @joe faircloth

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