reamping question


Oct 5, 2012
Gear owned
dm 4800
hi people, me again, I have a question about reamping.
In few days I have a band coming and they want to record live(all at once) drummer, 2 git, 1 bass.
So i want to go with reamping, but don't have enough di-boxes, neither reamp box.

1 solution is rent them what i will probably do .

Other solution comes to my question:
Could I plug the bass into the high z instrument input of my avalon 737 sp so i can record dry signal to reamp later, but also send it back through aux 3 lets say, and go straight in the preamp input of the bass so the guy can hear what is playing in the live room?(this way i can spare 1 di-box)
And btw is this the right way to send dry signal back for reamping?So using aux to send signal to assignable sends?
yes and no.
Yes to the first part. Your avalon's high z input is the same thing as a DI input, and will work perfectly with recording a dry signal.. Just plug in, set the level and record the bass. This also works great with electric guitar. If you don't want to go back out to reamp, you could use amp modeling software as an effect in your Daw, for that track. (commonly done and sounds great)

No to the other questions. But with a "maybe".
The aux out from your DM will be at line level. That level will typically be too strong for the preamp's instrument input. (it would be fine though if your preamp has a line level input available) Many DIs have a "reamp" output that takes the line level signal and shoots it through a transformer to step it down to a level that your bass's preamp would expect, like as if it were coming out of the bass. (It's the opposite of what you are doing by plugging your guitar into the Hi Z input in your avalon). If you can find a way to attenuate the line level signal, maybe by 20db or so, that would probably work. I've been using the Little Labs reamping device for this. It has an input for a line level source, like the mixer's output, and steps it down to a lower instrument level for reamping.

One More thing. If you can find a way to split the signal so that one side goes to his amp and the other goes out to your avalon for recording, that is the best way to do what you want. This way he will not feel any delay from latency. Again, the little Labs does this (as do many others)
hi, so lets se if i got this right.

i can use the aux to send a signal through asn send to a di box and into the ins preamp?
(or there is another way to send dry signal back?)

If you can find a way to attenuate the line level signal, maybe by 20db or so, that would probably work.
dont i lower the signal by lowering the aux send lvl?

i have the return of the avalon on ch 24 for monitoring,
so i just send prefader signal with aux3 rising the lvl till its fine. or Im wrong?

i have asn send 1-4 (aux 1-4) connected to my wall box in the live room, thats why Im saying aux 3 btw.(1-2 for hp mix)

However, this was just a thought, so i can understand the desk better.
I will surely rent 2 more di box so to record dry and amp signal.
and later reamp them.
The solution really depends on the amp's ins and outs. Is there a line level preamp output? If yes, then plug the bass into amp, as usual, but also plug in a cable to the amp's preamp out (or effects send if there is an effects loop) and run that into a line input into your DM. (skipping the Avalon)
If you want to use your Avalon, you will have to find a way to split the signal from the bass. One signal would go to the amp, one will go into the Avalon's LowZ input, then into your DM.
You probably should not send an aux signal directly into the amp input, as the level and impedence would be very mismatched. A better way would be to send the DM's aux out into a line level preamp input. But if you are going to do it, turn the signal level from the aux out down to zero and slowly turn it up. If there is an input for active pickups, use that. On second thought, don't. Use a borrowed or rented DI instead. Aux out into it, instrument level out of it into the amp.
There might be a bit of a delay that will be annoying to your bass player. Spliting the signal is a better way to go.

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