The MIDI is for synchronization and controlling the DP-24 from a DAW; the DP multitracks are not hardware sequencers. Dedicated hardware multitrack hardware sequencers are devices which are really no longer made (Yes, there are limited sequencers like the Arturia Keystep or Korg SQ-1, Elektron has some products which include sequencing, and Akai has just released their MPC Live and MPC X which are all-in-one hardware DAWs), but something like the DP-24 or DP-32 works nicely with say, a $100 or less used Yamaha QX5 for recording and playing back MIDI tracks (you can even use the QX5’s tape sync and one of the aux sends on the DP-24/32 to give the DP series the MIDI synchronization it lost when Tascam went from the DP-32 to the DP-32SD).