Recording with US-366


New Member
Sep 9, 2013
Gear owned
Hi!, i bought an US-366 and i'm want to know if i can record 4 channels at the same time.
Win 7 x64, i7, 6gb ram Cubase LE AI Elements 6
I know that i can record by Input 1/L and 2/R and i did it, but i'm trying and i can't by stereo input 3/4. I select LINE I/O on INPUT mode and i can listen the input signal by PHONES output but i can't record in Cubase.
I added in VST Conections (Inputs and outputs) another Stereo input and set (on Device port) channel 3 and 4 (left and right).



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Hi, I read about your problem with great interest. Did you ever get it sorted? I think I may have a solution.
I'm very interested in the answer to this question myself. I recently got a Tascam 366 with Cubase LE 6. One of the reasons I went for this interface was that it promises 4 outputs. Much of what I'm hoping to be using the unit for is transferring some of my old 4 track cassette demos to a DAW. But I can only get the first two tracks out of 4 that I input (my old Fostex 4-track has 4 tape-out RCA outputs) to come up as mono channels in the VST connections. The funny thing is, the Tascam mixing program shows all four channels coming in independently, but only outputs them as a two track stereo mix. Is there any way around this? Or have I been had?
Thanks for your help.
I was thinking about this some more. Does anyone know of some sort of universal driver or the like that could pick up the four simultaneous channels independently, so that 3 and 4 all get into Cubase too? If there's no other way?
Win 7 64, 4gb
Hi dvize,

thanks for the query, hope you don't mind wading your way through my lengthy ramble ;-)

I initially wondered if my US366 was faulty. Turned out it wasn't and I'm betting yours isn't either. My problem involved INPUTS but this reply could be useful to your OUTPUT problem. I haven't had the time to check.

Mine performed great just plugging in 2 mics to the XLR sockets (inputs 1 and 2) but, like everybody else, when I applied a signal to the analogue phonos (which showed correctly on the US366 mixer panel as inputs 3&4) there was no input activity in Cubase. I tried two different computers, two different OSs and two different DAWs and still got the same problem.
I then had a burst of inspiration and decided to try setting Cubase to receive a signal on inputs from ch5 and 6 which, as you know would normally correspond to the digital inputs. Lo and behold it worked! Then I tried feeding in a digital signal via toslink cable to inputs 5 and 6 on the US266 and they showed up in Cubase as 3 and 4!

I was then left guessing that possibly the driver software is somewhere at fault, which explains why 3&4 appear as 5&6, and vice versa. Both firmware and drivers are version 1.02. I tried 'downgrading' the drivers to the earlier ones found on the CD but got the same result.

So, I emailed Tascam and this is what they said.

Dear Mike,

Thank you for contacting Tascam U.K.
The issue you have noted is intentional:

The reason is easy:

Input 1 and 2 as well as the digital input are available always, independent is analog 3+4 are used as Inputs and Outputs.

Whilst we would have used 3+4 for the Analog Inputs and they were selected as Outputs, Cubase would have only Inputs 1+2 and 5 +6 available instead of 1-4. So it was decided to have the “fixed” inputs (Analog 1+2 and the Digital In) assigned to 1-4 in Cubase and the additional Inputs (Analog 3+4) to 5+6.

If this is confusing, you can change the settings for the Cubase Arrangement in the VST connections by swapping Inputs 3+4 with 5+6

Kind Regards

My reply to this was as follows.

Dear Joe,

thanks for getting back promptly and explaining the reason. As you describe it, it makes sense but is hardly intuitive. I fiddled about for best part
of 2 days before contacting you and if this information had been part of the printed manual, for example, then I'd have got it sorted out with less
effort and time spent. Hope you find this comment constructive.

Best regards,


What I really felt like saying was, given that your explanation is correct, why didn't you then simply label the rear panel digital inputs 3 and 4 instead of 5 and 6 to avoid any confusion. But that seemed like I didn't believe him ;-)

Hope this makes sense.

Good luck and best regards, Mike.
Thanks so much for your reply, late_n_see. That was an amazing 'burst of inspiration' and I'll try those 5&6 input settings. I'll post the results of my efforts. Agreed; I don't care how channels are numbered, so long as the underlying impetus is clarified (i.e., in publicly disseminated information from the manufacturer!)
To finally follow up on this, for anyone else's future reference...
That did the trick! All 4 inputs come in loud and clear when labeled as 1,2,5, and 6. The 366 works correctly, if a little peculiarly. Thanks again.

I can only imagine what Jimi Hendrix would've thought upon learning that not only has "6" turned out to really be "4" instead of "9," but that "5" is also actually "3"!
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I can only only imagine what Jimi Hendrix would've thought
I don't think Jimi would have worried about numbers ... at least until he'd hear about Nigel's amps ... those would have made him jealous:
To finally follow up on this, for anyone else's future reference...
That did the trick! All 4 inputs come in loud and clear when labeled as 1,2,5, and 6. The 366 works correctly, if a little peculiarly. Thanks again.

I can only imagine what Jimi Hendrix would've thought upon learning that not only has "6" turned out to really be "4" instead of "9," but that "5" is also actually "3"!

Hi dvize,

truly delighted to hear you got it working, but what a faff. Can't help thinking that Tascam have made a booboo on the labelling. With a bit of luck they might read these forums and make suitable alterations for a follow up interface. Best regards, Mike.
hi i want to record drum track using my Tascam US 366 can i do input in my DAW software in 6 tracks or 4 tracks only?

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