Remote control of the DM4800 channel aux sends?


Oct 1, 2012
Edmundston, NB , Canada
First off, I want to say that I absolutely don't understand why there is no Tascam replacement product for the DM32/4800. I see all those new digital mixers and in many ways the DM series beats them all.

Give the DM more pretty lights, a bigger color screen or video output, wifi for remote control, USB instead of Firwire and the DM beats them all hands down.

Frig, it does 96Khz no problem when none of the new mixers do.

Well that's my rant for now.

ANYWAYS, is there a way to remotely control the individual channels' aux sends?
I don't think so, but maybe someone with more experience has tackled and solved this.

I need to use a separate mixer, QSC TM-30 for just this purpose whil the DM4880 sits there not being used during band pratices. We use in-ear monitors and the members control their mixes remotely via wifi.

But I still only record with the DM, especially for the 96Khz. I have outboard preamps which I feed numerically into the DM. Can't do that with any of the new mixers in the below $5000, that I know.

You insight would be appreciated.
Thanks for your reply Arjan.

I had seen that video, it's quite involved, and I don't think there is a solution in there for me.
However, I suppose that guy would be a good person to ask. I think I'll go back to the video and send him a message.

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