Renaming Markers


Jan 6, 2021
Down Under
Gear owned
DP32SD, 2488, DR40
Hi all, I've searched high and low and can't find an answer.
How do I rename markers in a song? I'm on a DP32SD. My old 2488 can do it I am hoping the 32sd can too.
Many thanks in advance
My experience of location marks on my DP-24SD is that the only access to them and control of them is with the [MARK SET] button and the [<<] and [>>] transport buttons. And that with these I can create a location mark at the time cursor, move to existing marks and delete marks.

I find these facilities useful in themselves but am interested to know if I have been missing out on others. I have just been accepting that location marks are simply numbered in the order that I create them and retain the assigned number until they are deleted.
Amusing that you've brought up one of the most sensitive burrs under my butt about the progression from the 2488 line to the DP's:
The 2488's ability to NAME markers, not to mention they had a dedicated button on the panel that brought up the list, and allowed you to locate to ANY of them.
I LOVED that. And it might be the single most-missed feature, now that I'm on the DP-32.
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I agree mate. It is what it is. Though the 32sd's way you can run through the markers by using rewind and fast forward is handy too .
the 32sd's way you can run through the markers by using rewind and fast forward is handy too .
Agreed...and the DP's have plenny of nice new features. NO complaints.

BUT - I totally miss the 2488's marker-scheme. DIRECT access (via a front-panel button and a named list), rather than having to "scroll" through markers identified only by numbers (not always in order of their appearance in the project) to reach the one you want - AND not exactly knowing "where you are" or what is AT the marker you've placed yourself at.

I useta name all my markers - "V1, CHOR1, BREAK", etc etc - so I could use the list and punch directly to the sport I needed to be at.

I reallllly miss that.
The good things about the 32sd far out way this one missing feature. Had my first session with it Thursday night and am really pleased with how it all went.
One great new feature is the ability to route an input to more than one track. Though cloning will do the same thing I guess .
Your mention of cloning made me wonder if there is a difference...
Cloning doesn't copy any audio so should take up less space on the card, whereas multiple assigns will record files for each track.
e.g. If you record 1 input assigned to 8 tracks (say), you get 8 x ZZ files on the card.
If you record 1 input assigned to 1 track, then clone it to 7 other tracks, you get 1 x ZZ file on the card.
Probably not a big deal for normal use, but might be useful in some circumstances.

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