Saving and Stuff


Active Member
Apr 22, 2016
Gear owned
Here's a two part (I think) question:

Say I load a song, fool around with it for a couple hours, decide nothing I did was worth keeping, so I want to discard my changes, i.e., keep the song as I originally loaded it. How do I do that? If I simply turn the machine off it will save the current version of the song. There doesn't seem to be any "Do you want to save changes" option in the operating system. ??
Go to Menu, Song and Protect it. I've not confirmed this so am not sure if it saves things at other times before you turn off the machine (or load another song). I may be wrong, but I always thought the spinning wheel display indicated when it was updating the card, and it does this when you go into other modes like mixdown/mastering, but as I say there may be other times. I've also noticed it complains if you try and change assignments in a protected song, which again makes me wonder if updates are going on behind the scenes.
Isn't it bit goofy that you have to go to such lengths to NOT save changes? Here's what I tried. After deciding I didn't want to save anything, I just reloaded the song, assuming it would come back as it was on the SD card. It even asked me if I was sure I wanted to "revert without saving changes" or something like that. Well the original song came back, but, I had changed some track types from stereo to mono and/or vice versa and the original song reloaded into the changed track format...not the original track format.

I am starting to think maybe I should have bought that Mac and Pro Tools......
Thanks for checking Jim. That seems to confirm it then; it's saving things in the background all the time. At least we know to maybe make a copy of the song first before experimenting. You could argue this is a safer way of handling changes as there's less chance of losing anything if you forget to save explicitly... which is what a lot of computer programs do. It's just something to be aware of I suppose :)

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