Seattle Piano Trio


Active Member
May 28, 2022

“Seattle Piano Trio” is a number I recorded in January 2022 with final mixdown in February 2022. It is composed by me, aka “Remix21”. It is recorded entirely on my Tascam DP-02 and is going to form part of a collection called “Places in the world I love”. Like “Seattle Techno” it is a tribute to the city of Seattle, but with an entirely different approach.

Here are the production details:

TRK 1 and 2 (Stereo): Grand Piano. Technics digital piano with reverb (Hall) of the piano. EQ Hi: 1.

TRK 3: Cello. Roland synthesizer music workstation keyboard with reverb (Hall) of the synthesizer. Pan: Hard left. EQ Hi: 1.

TRK 4: Double bass. Roland synthesizer music workstation keyboard with reverb (Hall) of the synthesizer. Pan: Hard right. EQ Hi: 1.

At mixdown I applied some overall reverb (Hall) of the DP-02 on all 4 tracks.

After final mixdown I made a CD on the DP-02.

I’ve tried to achieve a crystal clear and transparent air of the recording by a wide stereo image and applying extra Hi EQ on all 4 tracks to reflect the beauty of this city.

Link to the number on YouTube: Seattle Piano Trio - YouTube
Ah, sounds familiar, but quite different ;)
Pretty good mix, though I wouldn't put a bass instrument in one channel. It sounds unbalanced, and though it wasn't uncommon in the sixties, they had the excuse that stereo was new ;) For widening the stereo field, maybe give double tracking (and then hard panning Left-Right) a try. I'm listening on headphones, so can't really comment on the (extra?) brighness, but it sounds nice, all in all. And I said it with the other version too, the playing could be tighter, do you use a click while recording?
Hi Arjan, Thanks for your feedback. It is an unstable and fragile tune I've composed, if one gives it a little push it might collapse :). It is an F major and C major played simultaneously to create tension. I can see in my written notes that panning is not hard left/right, but it is more moderate.
I’ve tried to achieve a crystal clear and transparent air of the recording by a wide stereo image and applying extra Hi EQ on all 4 tracks to reflect the beauty of this city.
Thanks to the spamming efforts of another member hogging this forum, your thread got buried and so I never got to see/hear this song thread (nor your other one) until the moderators removed the spam.

I agree with Arjan's production comments overall.

I also think that while you've created a nicely broad sound stage, next time you might also experiment using more stereo reverb with a pre-delay, perhaps placed on its own stereo pair, to add some depth to the sound stage while still allowing the instruments to remain clear.

And if you decide to double-track, try setting the double tracked instrument off by: using a slight delay of 3ms - 6ms; apply slightly different EQ; and play a bit with the pan controls, phase, and fader levels to find the sweet spot in the mix.
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